Africare donates computers

EASTERN PROVINCE RWAMAGANA — Africare, an American International non Government Organisation over the weekend donated eight computers to Groupe Scolaire Duha in Rwamagana District.

Monday, May 25, 2009


RWAMAGANA — Africare, an American International non Government Organisation over the weekend donated eight computers to Groupe Scolaire Duha in Rwamagana District.

The computers and solar energy panels worth over Rwf8 million were handed over by Africare country representative, Wilson B.O Obura.

Handing over the facilities, Obura said that the donation is in line with their corporate responsibility.

"This school accommodates vulnerable children of whom some are supported by Africare, so we believe that these computers will support the students and the entire community,” he said.

According to the school headmaster, N. Leon Gashumba, the newly acquired computers will increase computer usage among teachers and students.

"We have been teaching theoretical computer lessons in form four for lack of computers. Our students will now be able to learn practical lessons at even an earlier level,” Gashumba noted, adding that they would get Internet connection.

The school has both secondary and primary section, with a total number of 2216 pupils.

Africare pays school fees for 50 students.

Alphonse Mboninyibuka, a students’ representative, thanked Africare for the donation which he said came as a surprise because the school has no electricity.
