Teen’s Hype: Keep on going after a fall

Getting ahead in life sometimes pushes us to accept nothing short of perfection in our lives. I remember growing up and comparing my big losses with those of my friends. I couldn’t accept failure because that meant that I had lost.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Getting ahead in life sometimes pushes us to accept nothing short of perfection in our lives. I remember growing up and comparing my big losses with those of my friends. I couldn’t accept failure because that meant that I had lost.

Our teachers always encourage us to be better than we were and for me that meant I needed to become perfect in everything. It easy to want to be great in everything but it doesn’t always happen.

When failure comes into our lives maybe in school or in relationships we mostly shy away in embarrassment. This is because we think it’s the worst thing that can ever happen to you. 

Winning in life doesn’t mean you never fall flat on you face. It simply means that you get back up and keep walking. Just imagine a scenario where you are walking to church in this ‘killer-outfit’, then you suddenly slip and fall.

Your outfit becomes messed up and sited there you are faced with two options to sit there and cry, or to go back home, change and go to church. Which one would you choose? Well, we need to choose the later.

This is how life is. Sometimes we get disappointed and feel like giving up. When this happens we should always remember that we are stronger than the failure that faces us; we are way bigger than these losses.

Our courage is what keeps us going. Some of the most successful people in the world had big failures too. The world richest man Donald Trump was once bankrupt in his life. This however, didn’t keep him from building one of the largest empires in the world.

Donald said that his bankruptcy is what determined him to achieve all his goals in his life. We too can achieve all our dreams in life if we never give up.
