When I think about my country Rwanda, I can’t imagine living somewhere else. The hills are beautifully green and are home for many people. The Rwandan culture is very unique.
When I think about my country Rwanda, I can’t imagine living somewhere else. The hills are beautifully green and are home for many people.
The Rwandan culture is very unique. This is seen from the way we dress in mishanana, the way we dance the traditional dance, the way we look after our cows and even in our Kinyarwanda language.
All cultures are different and unique and this is what makes them special. Through culture, people are able to understand their history and understand their identity.
In today’s issue of the ‘The Children’s Times’, we are celebrating the Rwandan culture. You will be happy to know that there are Rwandan children who through dance are telling the world about Rwanda.
They are called the ‘Rwamakondera Children’s Dance Troup’ and are currently touring in Holland. I just want to encourage all Children in Rwanda to enjoy themselves and continue loving our country.