Rayon Sports owes Rwf86m in wages, signing on fees
Thursday, September 26, 2024
Rayon Sports’ financial turmoil is affecting players and staff who are reportedly owed over Rwf 86million in wages and signing on fees. Craish Bahizi

Rayon Sports’ financial turmoil is affecting players and staff who are reportedly owed over Rwf 86million in wages and signing on fees, Times Sport has learnt.

It is reported that new players, who signed for the club during the just-closed transfer window, and those who extended their contracts, have not received their signing on fees.

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Sources have also told Times Sport that the club has not paid wages for players and staff for the past two months, a situation which the management attributes to lack of resources.

"I am not going to lie; Rayon Sports is experiencing financial constraints. The management and concerned stakeholders are discussing a long-term solution to the problem,” club spokesperson Roben Ngabo told the press.

The club hopes to use its gate collections from their derby match against APR FC scheduled on October 19 at Amahoro Stadium to address its financial woes.

However, the match could again be rescheduled to a later date considering that the teams will be going into the international break for October AFCON 2025 qualifiers.

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Currently, Rayon Sports’ overall debts amount in excess of Rwf 400million. that is Rwf100 million less than the debts that the club owed before former club president Jean Fidele Uwayezu took office in October 2021.

Rayon Sports will next face Rutsiro FC on Saturday, September 28, at Umuganda Stadium. Fan clubs and former club presidents have raised Rwf5,000,000 in bonus to prepare for the match.