Rwanda marks Metrology Day

Rwanda Bureau Standards (RBS) Wednesday joined the rest of the world to mark the annual World Metrology Day under the theme “Measurement in commerce”.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Rwanda Bureau Standards (RBS) Wednesday joined the rest of the world to mark the annual World Metrology Day under the theme "Measurement in commerce”.

According to the RBS Public Relations Officer, Chantal Rukeba, RBS, through its metrology service unit used the day to celebrate the role they have played to ensure standard measurements in the country as well as creating a favourable trade climate.

"This year’s theme clearly portrays exactly what we are dealing with. Although we are dealing with many other things, enforcing standard measurements among the business community is our aim,” Rukeba said, adding that one of the ways through which trade can be boosted is to ensure that there is no cheating between buyers and sellers.

"This can be achieved by checking if the weighing scales in markets are appropriate. The weighing scales among other challenges in business can either cause losses to the seller or buyer. We are therefore confiscating old fashioned and adjustable weighing scales and introducing modern ones,” she explained.

The government, through the Ministry of Commerce and RBS has since March embarked on the campaign to do away with the adjustable scales in an effort to enforce standard measures.

According to RBS, the exercise started in Kigali but it is expected to spread to other parts of the country.
Rukeba explained that dubious traders easily cheat buyers using the adjustable weighing scales.

"We need to see that a kilogramme that is weighed in America or Uganda is the same kilogramme in Rwanda. This will make up a favourable trading climate in the region,” she noted.

She pointed out that efforts are still being made to ensure that trade in the region is harmonized.
