Coexisting with our gorilla cousins is an imperative
Thursday, September 26, 2024
One of mountain gorillas from Kwitonda familly in the Volcanoes National Park. Sam Ngenda

The World Gorilla Day, which was commemorated this week, serves as a crucial reminder of the incredible creatures that share our planet. Gorillas, often referred to as our closest living relatives, are magnificent apes that have captivated our imaginations for generations.

Yet, their existence was just a few years back, threatened by habitat loss, poaching, and disease, all largely attributed to human activity.

Rwanda's journey to gorilla conservation is a testament to the power of human determination and innovative approaches. Over the past few decades, the country has witnessed a remarkable increase in the population of mountain gorillas, a feat largely attributed to the government's unwavering commitment to conservation.

Just not long ago, these rare creatures were nearly extinct, largely owing to human-wildlife conflict. Today, things are different and one of the flagship events on our national calendar is the Gorilla Naming Ceremony, where baby gorillas born that year are given names by global A-listers.

The inclusive conservation approach adopted by Rwanda has been instrumental in fostering a harmonious relationship between humans and gorillas. By involving local communities in conservation efforts and ensuring that they benefit from tourism revenue, the government has transformed potential predators into passionate protectors.

This community-based approach not only strengthens conservation initiatives but also promotes sustainable development and poverty reduction.

Today, the biggest number of people directly eking a leaving from the gorillas especially in Musanze District and its environs are communities around them. If they are not rangers, they are porters, if not, they are guides or they have shops from which tourists get their basic groceries.

Coexistence between humans and gorillas is not only possible but essential. These gentle giants play a crucial role in maintaining the delicate balance of their ecosystems. By protecting gorillas, we are safeguarding the biodiversity of our planet and ensuring a more sustainable future for generations to come.

As we celebrate World Gorilla Day, let us recommit ourselves to the conservation of these magnificent creatures. By supporting initiatives that protect their habitat, combat poaching, and promote sustainable tourism, we can help to ensure that gorillas continue to thrive for generations to come.

Together, we can build a world where humans and gorillas coexist peacefully, sharing a planet that is rich in biodiversity and beauty.

Nature is no threat to humans; the opposite is true.