VIDEO: Expert on adoption, downside of AI 
Wednesday, September 25, 2024

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On Monday, September 25, Malik Shaffy, CEO of 63 INC, spoke in an X (Twitter) space organized by The New Times about AI adoption and its potential downsides.

ALSO READ: TNT X-space series: Experts explore potential impact of AI on Rwandan cultural values

Shaffy emphasized the need for Rwandans to continuously feed AI with accurate information and refine its outputs. He shared his experience with OpenAI&039;s ChatGPT, describing how he corrected inaccurate information about the 1896 Intambara yo ku Rucunshu war in Muhanga District.

"ChatGPT incorporates your prompts for future learning," he explained.

"When AI provides incorrect information, request changes," Shaffy advised.

Malik highlighted the downside of AI, warning that it could encourage over-reliance, leading to laziness.

"So, we see people really making less effort nowadays on writing emails or doing what they are supposed to do, and then relying a lot on AI, which is not a bad thing. You should rely on AI, but exactly knowing what you're working on," he stated, also raising concerns about the mismanagement of intellectual property, and called for policies to govern ethical AI use.