Allan’s Life Principles: Pray until something happens

Many times we have gone through good situations that make us happy in life. We sometimes even forget to thank God or just even thinking that it is God’s making. When the sad times come in we start asking where God is and why me. Many questions have been asked, “Doesn’t God see that I am sick?

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Many times we have gone through good situations that make us happy in life. We sometimes even forget to thank God or just even thinking that it is God’s making. When the sad times come in we start asking where God is and why me. Many questions have been asked, "Doesn’t God see that I am sick?

That I need money? Do I have to first tell God that I am sick then He heals me? WHY NOT?

There are so many bad situations that don’t even come our way because God protects us from them even when you have not asked. Some come our way because God is waiting for you to worship and ask Him and then He acts.

Looking at the story of the Israelites in Exodus, they were held as slaves in Egypt for a long time and I believe God was watching. It was not until the Israelites cried out to the Lord that the He took the step of sending Moses to lead them out of Egypt.

God is seeing what you are going through and is waiting for you call on to Him. He will send you a ‘Moses” who will lead you out of that situation.

Jeremiah 33:3 says, "Call unto the lord and He will answer you.” The bible also says, "Ask and you will be given.”

Friends, we need not to take things for granted that God knows what ‘I am going through’ but we need to call onto Him and tell Him about the situation.

God says in the bible that He is not a man to lie and that all He has promised will come to pass. The moment Moses went to take the Israelites out of Egypt, God undertook all measures to soften the Pharaoh’s heart to release the Israelites (remember the curses).

When you call unto the lord he will do all it takes to see you through. With God on their side the Israelites left Egypt, when the Pharaoh chased after them, the sea drowned all his men. With God on your side no one can be against you.

Friend we need to Pray Until Something Happens (P.U.S.H)