What do you do when you wake up in the morning?

Every day in every country in the world, school children wake up and prepare to go to school. The way how Rwandan school children prepare themselves for school does not differ from what others do.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Every day in every country in the world, school children wake up and prepare to go to school. The way how Rwandan school children prepare themselves for school does not differ from what others do.

Let me introduce you to Adrian Kambugu from Uganda. Adrian is 6 years old; he lives and studies in Uganda at St. Peters Primary School in Kampala.

According to Adrian’s father, who currently works in Rwanda, Adrian wakes up everyday at 6:00am (5:00am Rwandan time), washes his face and brushes his teeth.

Adrian’s uniform is normally prepared the evening he returns home from school, so that his uniform is always ready and waiting for him in the morning. 

Adrian likes taking his morning tea while watching the breakfarst children’s news on either WBS (Wava broadcasting services) or NTV (National television).

After his breakfast Adrian puts on his uniform, picks up his school bag and goes to school. While going to school, Adrian always remembers to say farewell to the people at home.

Adrian is such an active boy both at home and school. He likes playing football, watching soccer and singing gospel music.

Adrian has a strong appetite. He is not choosy about his food; his favorite dish is fish and rice says his dad. Adrian’s favorite drink is Coca-Cola.

Unlike other children, Adrian likes organizing things in the house. He has a weakness for losing things like his books, pencils and toys.

Adrian doesn’t like to be rushed, he likes doing things at his own pace. His best subjects are maths and English. Dear Adrian, best wishes from your dad and friends from Rwanda.           
