Fashion/Style: The beauty of long skirts

Dressing up decently but stylishly is my approach to clothing this week. I’m talking about catching up with the latest trend of long skirts. Just how much the world has changed! Gone are days when the only piece to cover our private body parts, was just a few leaves.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Dressing up decently but stylishly is my approach to clothing this week. I’m talking about catching up with the latest trend of long skirts. Just how much the world has changed! Gone are days when the only piece to cover our private body parts, was just a few leaves.

Today, world fashion designers have plenty in store and lots of ideas to create more fashions. A woman’s wardrobe can never be complete without a trendy long skirt. It’s an essential piece which perfectly suits office or after office.

"I love long skirts with a slit on the side,” Anita Mutesi says.

"The fashion piece is bound to make a statement without you ever saying a word. Long fashionable skirts can be influential to highlight your positive features without necessary revealing the skin.”

This significant style of the ’60s and ’70s look is making a comeback. The fashion industry has implemented various ways to transform these elongated outfits into what we see on the fashion runways today.

Long skirts could range from transparent to layered cotton and can be teamed with short tank tops; peasant tops or embroidered ones for that ethnic touch.

Large and dangling earrings combined with colourful headgear like bandannas create a cool and casual look for those willing to go a little overboard!

Also known as a wrap-around, this sensuous attire is generally worn by women and girls, mainly on weekends. Easy to wear, this skirt needs only to be wrapped around and comprises a single piece of fabric.

The trend has found its way from home to office. It has also stayed to be an ultimate and casual fashion style statement. A simple white top will aid in bringing out the beauty of this long skirt.

It is a must in every woman’s wardrobe, and its length can be played up in various ways. For example a long denim skirt can be fitted to the ankles mixed with a stretch blend for a hot and sultry look. Or it can be fitting at the hips, flowing down, with a slit at the side to reveal a flash of leg!

"It’s a timeless creation and it would probably never go out of fashion, just like the classic blue denim jeans,” Sylvia Utamuriza says. "Take your pick and bring out the woman in you!” If you want to wear a long, narrow skirt, team it with high heels or the look simply will not work.

The perfect long skirt should hit below the knee, fit snugly, but not tightly and have a kick slit to ensure that walking is not a safety hazard.

Today’s dresses and skirts offer a great variety, for example there are dresses and skirts which are dangerously short, medium and extremely long, but all fashionable enough to flatter the wearer.

"Long skirts only favour the tall and the skinny women,” Annette Mutoni says. "But short and fat ladies will look shorter if dressed in long skirts.”

Although a certain look is always a rage because it is a trend signature, a long slit skirt is a classic gem that typifies elegance and glamour.

Usually worn by women in their late 30s and 40s, long skirts are generally preferred by confident, sophisticated women who can boast a life well lived.

While there is no doubt that short skirts are sexy, long skirts can be sexy too, and so much more: romantic, polished, classic and powerful. Just don’t pair them with the wrong shoes..
