Standing at the altar

The bells have already gone off and the gathering outside St. Michael’s church has slowly moved into the sanctuary and is silently sitted along the pews of the church. It’s a beautiful day, the sun up in the sky painting the interiors of the church with beautiful rays.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

The bells have already gone off and the gathering outside St. Michael’s church has slowly moved into the sanctuary and is silently sitted along the pews of the church. It’s a beautiful day, the sun up in the sky painting the interiors of the church with beautiful rays.

The silence can be broken by the drop of a pin. The priest is hurriedly preparing for the mass and the page boys are running across the aisle chasing after little girls in piggy pony tails.

The flowers that decorate the church are simply timeless, the outlook priceless and a rosy smell fills the room. The groom can be seen in a distance consulting his best man as they look down the aisle expecting the bride to come peeking in at any time.

The father of the bride walks in and suddenly stops to sweep her into an embrace. Tears trickle down his face as he looks on to his little girl who he has to hand over in just a few minutes. The daughter smiles and the father nods away the incredible emotion he seemed engulfed in.

Then the steps begin, they finally begin the walk down, the bride looks forward towards the pulpit and as soon as she sees her groom she beams and pulls her father forward. A thin veil covers her glowing face, as the music begins to play.

The silence escapes replaced by soft music dedicated to the bride. People stand and look behind them. The bride is dressed in pure white, her gown flairs out at her waist, leaving a long train of shining fabric behind her. Her matron walks sweetly behind her as she struggles to keep the train in place.

While everyone is looking at her, her eyes are focused on the ground as she carefully chooses her steps. Then she slightly tilts her head and focuses her stare towards her groom. She walks down in tiny steps and the 100 meter aisle seems like a kilometer.

She walks towards him eager to take his hands. She has waited her whole life for this moment. She dreamed about it as a little girl. Her mum told about this day and it is finally here. She found her the one.

The one intended for her, and she was ready for him. She could proudly wear the purest of white, because today will be all about her. Today she will marry the man of her dreams. Today she will become his wife and he her husband .It will be her fairy tale and she couldn’t wait to live it through.

She is looking at the man standing at the end of the aisle. She is looking at her husband. Suddenly she tears away, tears flow easily as she makes her final steps to the altar. She suddenly stops; she looks back and forth from her father and her groom as if she is making a big decision.

She thanks her father for everything with a bright send off smile and boldly joins her groom on the aisle. She is ready for the service that would end in happiness, just as she imagined.
The priest urges both of them forward.

The crowd eagerly applauds and sits down. The priest calls on the page boy to bring forward the rings. The two keep stealing silent gazes at each other. The priest asks them to exchange vows and they do so gracefully.

The vows have been said, the priest has blessed the rings; the marriage awaits the sealing, then the doors of the church burst open. An old woman steps in and in a high pitched scream says, "NO! Stop this at once.” (To be continued)
