Impressions: The Love Of A Mother!!!!

“If you have love in your life it can make up for a great many things you lack. If you don’t have it, no matter what else there is, it’s not enough”. Ann Landers

Saturday, May 23, 2009

"If you have love in your life it can make up for a great many things you lack. If you don’t have it, no matter what else there is, it’s not enough”. Ann Landers
A mother is the first love for all,
The maker of all professionals,
The bearer of all anticipations,
One who holds the light for us.

Mother of all presidents and ministers,
Talk of innovators and the intelligent.
Who can compare to that love?
With the primary role of raising children,
With a touch of care and everlasting love,
But also with a hand of a tough touch.
An arm that spanks and later mends,
She curdles when every one is disgusted
No love can limit her affection to all.
What can be traded for such love?  
Think of the great heroes and saviours,
Jesus, who later saved every one from sin,
Mandela, who fought for South Africa,
Nyerere, led Tanzanians to independence,
Martin Luther, known for remarkable deeds
Even our own Obama, preaches self ability.
Who could be the best nurturer for all these?
She endures the pain for your survival,
Even when the twinge becomes intense,
But after it all, "where is my baby”,
The first question as she gains conscious.
Would you ever find a better mother than her?
Even if the world gave you another chance
No one can tantamount to what she is.
A single mother can fore go clothing,
They give up a lot for your education,
For you health and your protection.
She knows what to do at all times,
When to laugh and play with you
When to hold the rod or to spare it.
Give me her compliment, I give you her inevitableness
First word” often sounds like "ma” or "mama”.
This strong association of that sound with "mother”
Has persisted in nearly every language on earth
The moment a child is born, the mother is also born. 
She never existed before.  The woman existed,
But   a mother,  is something absolutely new.
It’s that strong bond and love that grows from then.
A mother is the truest friend we have,
When trials heavy and sudden, fall upon us;
When adversity takes the place of prosperity;
When friends who rejoice with us in desert us;
When trouble thickens around us,
She will still cling to us, and endeavor by her kindness
And cause peace to return to our hearts. 
A mother watches over from the first day,
To the last day of her sweet life.
No bad mannerism can repel her
Even to her old age, she scolds and loves,
She worries, cares, curdles and caresses.
There’s nothing like a mama-hug,
Because of its warmness and a feel of home.
Grown don’t mean nothing to a mother. 
A child is a child.  They get bigger, but grown? 
What’s that suppose to mean to her?
You will always be her only baby.
The first baby of the kind
Because every child is held special.
She is special and you are unique to her.
Who fed me from her gentle breast?
And hushed me in her arms to rest,
And on my cheek, sweet kisses pressed?
Oh, it was the love if a mother.
My well wisher, my encourager
When I fall in love, she advises me.
You’re the attire of all seasons, mother.
Love to all the mothers in the world.
Happy mother’s day.
