Relationships: Even small things count in love

Love has often been an incredible thing to define and interpret. It is just a four letter word, but hard to understand. Some think that having expensive stuff or giving expensive gifts might be the only way of getting someone to love them. Well, this may be true especially for guys who are not strong enough to entice a woman into their life.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Love has often been an incredible thing to define and interpret. It is just a four letter word, but hard to understand. Some think that having expensive stuff or giving expensive gifts might be the only way of getting someone to love them.

Well, this may be true especially for guys who are not strong enough to entice a woman into their life. This may also be true with some women who may want the expensive gifts and lifestyle.

Despite all that, it is amazing that women treasure even the smallest thing a man couldn’t think of. Say you are coming from work and pass via a supermarket, take her that chocolate.

Pamela Mutesi, a Rwandan student at Makerere University in Uganda, says that simple things that come as surprises are great.

"They also tell how one thinks about you wherever he is. It does not matter when!! The truth is that he brings you something not as an obligation but rather an honour.”

This reminded me of my school days’ girl friend, Jane. She was fond of asking for something whenever I came back from holidays.

Poor minded as I was, I always thought of how I would forego buying some school essentials in order to buy a gift that would not make me look inferior in front of her. Little did I know that a little bit of originality and honesty could also have made a difference.

The iffy procurement of school essentials one time was interrupted when I found all the school requirements home, just in time for the reporting date.

So it was a time of gambling with what to offer, since not even pocket money was provided to me. I was however shocked when a mere pack of sweets worth Rwf1, 000 by then was enough to make Jane happy.

I didn’t realise how much she treasured it not until I talked to her one evening after my usual cricket training session. When I asked her what gifts really make her happy, Jane without butting an eyelid told me that small or big, all gifts are the same.

"All what matters is the affection and willingness to give attached to it,” she said.

It was the same advice that I offered to my great and long time buddy, Andrew who married with almost all treasures at his disposal. A self contained house and with a fleet of cars (that’s if two cars can be called a fleet) among other valuables.

Drama came his way one day when it was his wife’s birthday. Everything was availed for an expensive party with her invitees. Andrew being a busy consultant did not make it to the party in time but bought her a posh car as her gift.

Surprisingly enough, the gift of a car which most people die to own did not appease Andrew’s wife. She frowned when her husband arrived home for the party.

When Andrew asked why she wasn’t happy despite the water mouthing gift, the wife asked, "Why were you late for the party?”

The impression by Andrew’s wife meant that small things matter in love. Thinking of expensive and massive things is where men go wrong. Believe it or not, the simple things are what may please a woman more.

If you need more enlightenment, read John Gray’s book, "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus.”
