Who will stop the FDLR’s reign of terror in DR Congo?
Monday, September 23, 2024
Some members of the genocidal militia, FDLR, who were captured by M23 fighters, while fighting alongside Congolese soldiers in eastern DR Congo in December 2022. FILE

A new report by a Congolese not-for-profit organisation has exposed the grueling atrocities committed by the genocidal militia, the Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda (FDLR), against innocent civilians in the territory of Kalehe, South Kivu.

According to the report, close to 600 people have been killed by the militia group just in the territory of Kalehe, women gang-raped, while men were killed for refusing to sleep with their wives as their children watched.

ALSO READ: New UN report exposes DR Congo’s continued use of FDLR as proxy

These are exactly the same atrocities that the FDLR, in their previous set-up as Interahamwe militia, committed in Rwanda during the Genocide against the Tutsi.

The graphic details of the violence, including mass killings, widespread rape, and the destruction of villages, paint a harrowing picture of the suffering endured by the people of this region.

The FDLR's reign of terror in Kalehe is a stark reminder of the ongoing humanitarian crisis in the DR Congo. Despite the presence of the United Nations Mission in the region (MONUSCO), these atrocities have been allowed to continue unabated.

ALSO READ: Former FDLR deputy president on how genocidal militia was formed

The ineffectiveness of MONUSCO in protecting civilians is a matter of grave concern and raises questions about its mandate and capabilities.

The Congolese government bears a significant responsibility for the ongoing violence in Kalehe. Kinshasa's continued support for the FDLR, despite overwhelming evidence of its involvement in human rights abuses, is a betrayal of the Congolese people.

By shielding the FDLR from accountability, the government is complicit in the suffering of its own citizens.

It is imperative that the international community take immediate action to address the crisis in Kalehe. The report must be brought to the attention of the United Nations Security Council, and MONUSCO must be tasked with taking decisive steps to protect civilians and disarm the FDLR.

Furthermore, the international community must exert pressure on the Kinshasa regime to cease its support for the genocidal militia and cooperate with efforts to bring its members to justice.

The people of Kalehe deserve peace, security, and the opportunity to rebuild their lives just like those in the wider eastern part of DR Congo, where this genocidal force has had a free-reign to kill.

By raising our voices and demanding action, we can help to ensure that their suffering does not go unnoticed.

Global solidarity is essential to condemning the atrocities committed by the FDLR and supporting the Congolese people in their struggle for justice.