Technology: Economise electricity

We need a source of energy to heat and light our homes, for cooking, cleaning and washing, and to power our televisions and other devices. Most of us will use a combination of gas and electricity, although gas supplies are not available in all areas. Energy is expensive to produce and distribute, so saving a little energy can save you a lot of money - and help save the environment.

Saturday, May 23, 2009
LCD Monitor LCD_TV

We need a source of energy to heat and light our homes, for cooking, cleaning and washing, and to power our televisions and other devices. Most of us will use a combination of gas and electricity, although gas supplies are not available in all areas.

Energy is expensive to produce and distribute, so saving a little energy can save you a lot of money - and help save the environment.

With  Rwanda currently facing a problem of producing enough electricity for both domestic and commercial use  there is a need to save the little energy we have or else we will completely run out of it. There are few strategies of how to economize energy consumption.

1. Fit low-energy bulbs - admittedly, some of these bulbs look ugly, and they can look dim until they warm up, but they will give you a worthwhile saving over a period of time because they use a lot less electricity than ordinary incandescent bulbs and last anything up to 10 times as long. An incandescent bulb is hugely inefficient and wastes up to 97% of the energy it consumes.   

2. Switch to LCD televisions and computer monitors - they use a lot less electricity, and they do not generate as much heat. 

3. Beware of "standby” mode - this still uses expensive electricity Turned your appliances off when not in use. If you can’t bear the inconvenience, then at least switch them off when you’re away. 

4. Use your microwave - a microwave uses up to 50% less energy than an oven, so use it for cooking wherever possible. But, avoid using it for defrosting , just let food thaw naturally if you can.    

5. Reduce use of extractor fans - bathrooms and some utility rooms now have to have extractor fans fitted. Only keep your extractor fans on long enough to remove excess moisture or smells, and then turn them off. Internal rooms may have fans fitted with timers. These can normally be adjusted, so cut the timer to the minimum needed.

6. How "hot” do you need your hot-water? - lower the temperature on your hot water system to between 43C - 48C. It’s not necessary to have it any hotter and wastes energy keeping it at that temperature. Go for the higher temperature if you use a washing machine and/or dishwasher a lot, as otherwise those appliances will use a lot of electricity getting the "cooler” hot-water up to temperature.  

7. Be wise not to use iron every day, because ironing spends a lot of energy.  

8.Using an Air Conditioning machine with minimum temperature. Avoid using Air Conditioning  every day, beside it is not good for your health, using natural wind is always  better. 

This few  tips should help relieve you off the nagging problem of buying electricity week in week out.