The Hater: I hate people who…

…forget to wipe their mouth after a meal. Each time I sit in a restaurant to attend to my stomach, I get amused by what I see. Some people put more food than they can finish while others eat like there is no tomorrow.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

…forget to wipe their mouth after a meal.

Each time I sit in a restaurant to attend to my stomach, I get amused by what I see. Some people put more food than they can finish while others eat like there is no tomorrow.

I am now dealing with a lot of hate for those who eat and eat, and forget to wipe their mouths. On Tuesday I saw this bearded fellow walking out of a restaurant with two grains of cooked rice comfortably hanging on his beard.

Was this his idea of one for the road! Please always remember to clean your mouth after a meal. No one is interested in knowing what you had for lunch.   

…do not dress for the occasion before going out to social places.

I don’t think it is that much a bother for one to prepare themselves before going to out. Even if one is from work or school, it is only sensible to take time and change into suitable outfits before joining other decent people.

There is this fellow that I have grown to hate more than burnt food. He was in the discotheque dancing away like the rest of us who had paid.

The problem was this huge text book hanging out of his back pocket! To make things worse, his colleague had a laptop bag strapped on his back. I know to err is human but it doesn’t stop me hating the likes. 

…decide to shameless cheat fellow adults.

Again while I was in this discotheque (the name of which I will keep to myself since I hold the hate monopoly in this country) I realised there are more people to hate. The DJ of this club made it really hard for me not to hate him.

Calling him an amateur would be a disservice to the rich English vocabulary as it doesn’t seem to bring out his incompetence levels. He had the guts to play a non-stop CD for about an hour and had most of his CDs skipping.

If this was his idea of entertaining people on a Saturday night, then I think the Rwanda Bureau of Standards should start visiting some of these places.  

…try to force passengers to board particular vehicles.

Don’t say I didn’t warn you. One of these days, I am going to try a Mike Tyson (bite someone’s ear off!) on one of the idle taxi touts in Kigali.

I am really tired of these part-time thinkers who have developed a habit of fighting for passengers as they try to enter a particular commuter taxi. Sometimes, one pulls you to the left while another pulls you to the right.

Actually at some point their crazy enthusiasm makes you think the ride will be free! As The Hater, I am now only thinking of biting one of these silly fellows the next time they touch me.   

…think all Americans and Europeans are walking money bags.

I don’t know what it will take for people to learn that not everyone who is white is rich. Maybe we need to add this in the school curriculum since almost each day you meet people who think it is wise to inflate prices once a Muzungu is in the vicinity.

There was this interesting African who thought that a Muzungu wanted to buy his second hand torn-collared jacket simply because she (the Muzungu) had noticed the Canadian flag on it.

I have more hate than money for all of you with this kind of unsustainable understanding of world economics. For God’s sake, these people are having a credit crunch. We should be the ones bailing them out.

Let me help you hate by sending your suggestions to

The Hater