Editorial: A time to relax

It is always good to plan for your time. It’s a well known adage that time is money. It thus is very important to properly manage this very important resource. As is also known, by failing to plan, you are planning to fail.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

It is always good to plan for your time. It’s a well known adage that time is money. It thus is very important to properly manage this very important resource. As is also known, by failing to plan, you are planning to fail.

It’s on this note that you should plan your week’s activities in advance so that you can be able to evaluate your achievements, failures and the causes of those failures so that in your next plan, you can register a higher score.

Also when you plan for your time well, you will have time for work and for play or relaxation. Your Sunday should find you having enough time to interact with family and friends and even to read the SundayMag.

Today, here at the SundayMag, we are in the mood for sayings. We shall therefore remind you that work without play, makes Jane a dull girl. Ok, it’s Jack but what the heck!!! The thing is, you need that time to relax your very busy self.

So, without much further ado, enjoy your favourite weekend companion…the SundayMag.
