Africa’s music industry without Lucky Dube

Where will Africa’s music industry be or head without reggae star Lucky Dube, who had been an advocate for global peace and unity through his music?

Monday, October 22, 2007

Where will Africa’s music industry be or head without reggae star Lucky Dube, who had been an advocate for global peace and unity through his music?

This question is to be answered by the continental leaders in reference to general human safety needed for all.

I believe musicians worldwide are worried of this, with some being forced to think twice either to continue with their careers or abandon them completely. 

The crime acts in Africa or worldwide have remained a marginalized issue, despite its continuity to claim lives of important persons like Lucky Dube.

During his lifetime, South African reggae star was a man on a mission to make the continent and beyond, a better place.

Unity, peace, freedom and respect were Lucky Dube’s mission through his globally liked songs.

But unfortunately, he died before his strive for peace, unity and tranquility yielded a worldwide realization.

Let the world pick-a-leaf from this legend song of the dead to decide on the required future for the surviving musicians with similar peace and unity ambitions.
Kanombe Kigali
