Response to waste water treatment plant article

In response to the article about the waste water treatment plant at King Faisal Hospital that appeared in The New Times Insight section on Friday October 19, 2007, I would like to submit some facts that may help inform the public about our efforts to solve the problem of an inadequate capacity to properly dispose of our waste water.

Monday, October 22, 2007

In response to the article about the waste water treatment plant at King Faisal Hospital that appeared in The New Times Insight section on Friday October 19, 2007, I would like to submit some facts that may help inform the public about our efforts to solve the problem of an inadequate capacity to properly dispose of our waste water.

First, our existing waste water treatment plan is functioning properly and the hospital maintains it regularly to keep it in proper working order.

The problem arises when it becomes overburdened with drainage from excess rain or a surge from the hospital waste water.

Second, the water is treated and is not in raw condition when it leaves the treatment plant.

Third, the drainage path that runs down into the valley behind the hospital was performing as it was originally designed to do until last year when the new owners of the property blocked its passage under the access road.

The hospital and the new owner worked together to remove the barrier to resume the normal flow.

Fourth, the hospital agreed with the new owner that the flow of treated water was no longer appropriate because of the plans for the property to be used as a City Park.

The hospital has been working to replace the out dated treatment plant in close cooperation with the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Infrastructure who are as equally dedicated to solve the problem.

Fifth, the Ministry of Infrastructure agreed to take the responsibility of funding the project, selecting a qualified contractor and wisely planning a replacement facility that would be safe and expandable for future needs of the hospital and other projects being constructed adjacent to its campus.

Finally, the new design has taken about eight months to properly complete.

Consequently, the construction contract was signed two weeks ago which was a prerequisite for the financing to be arranged.

The new design includes improved features such as a holding tank that will supply safe treated waste water irrigation to the hospitals plantings and lawn area.

Also, the residual sediment will be pumped out of the holding tank and deposited in a designated waste site away from populated areas and the new park site.

The implementation of the project is imminent based on how fast the funds can be assembled.

The strong motivation by all concerned can do nothing but expedite the result. 

I hope this clarifies our plans and a genuine intent by the hospital to be good citizens to our neighbours who deserve a safe and beautiful park to enjoy.

We are working as rapidly as possible to achieve this mutually beneficial goal. Thank you for expressing your concerns.

John B. Stevens, Director General King Faisal Hospital
