Why the UN Summit of the Future must focus on Africa
Sunday, September 22, 2024
The Summit of the Future can also serve as a platform to advance Africa's economic agenda.

As the world prepares for the UN Summit of the Future 2024, it is essential that the long-standing challenges facing Africa are given the attention they deserve. While global multilateralism seeks to address a wide range of issues, Africa's persistent struggles — poverty, inequality, governance crises, and climate vulnerability - demand a more focused and deliberate approach.

The summit offers a unique opportunity for the international community to pivot its attention toward concrete actions that can uplift the continent and, by extension, create a more stable and prosperous global order.

The centrality of Africa in future global governance cannot be overstated. Home to 1.4 billion people and the fastest-growing population in the world, Africa’s fate is inextricably tied to that of the global community. Issues such as food insecurity, public health crises, and migration are not limited by borders and therefore require coordinated global responses.

However, despite contributing the least to global climate change, Africa bears the brunt of its impacts, with millions facing food shortages due to droughts, floods, and erratic weather patterns.

For the Summit of the Future to be truly effective, Africa must not be sidelined, as it has too often been in global governance conversations. Instead, African priorities need to be embedded into the summit’s agenda through genuine partnerships that foster resilience and long-term sustainability. The summit should emphasize the importance of tackling the structural imbalances within global governance institutions that limit African voices.

This could include reforming the UN Security Council to ensure better representation and equity in decision-making, as well as expanding Africa’s influence in international financial institutions like the IMF and World Bank. As Adebajo points out in his recent commentary, strengthening multilateralism to address Africa's unique needs is crucial, and this can only happen if reforms are prioritized at this level.

Another critical area of focus for the summit should be mobilizing resources for climate adaptation and green development in Africa. While the continent is rich in natural resources, it continues to lack the infrastructure and financial support needed to make the transition to clean energy.

Without international assistance, the necessary investments in renewable energy, sustainable agriculture, and climate resilience will remain out of reach. The summit must not only pledge increased financial aid but also ensure that funding is effectively deployed through transparent channels to benefit the communities most affected by climate change.

The Summit of the Future can also serve as a platform to advance Africa's economic agenda. The African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) represents a historic opportunity to accelerate intra-African trade and industrialization, but it requires global support. Investments in infrastructure, technology, and human capital are necessary to unlock the continent’s potential.

Additionally, international partnerships should be directed toward fostering innovation in sectors such as agriculture, manufacturing, and digital technology, which hold the promise of creating millions of jobs and addressing the continent’s youth unemployment crisis.

Moreover, the summit must address the recurring governance issues that have held back African development. Corruption, weak institutions, and political instability have hindered growth and eroded public trust in governments. The international community has a role to play in supporting governance reforms that strengthen accountability, promote the rule of law, and enhance democratic processes.

Initiatives such as capacity-building programs for civil servants, the support of independent media, and judicial reform efforts must be given priority to ensure that Africa’s political institutions can deliver for their people.

At its core, the UN Summit of the Future must not merely be another diplomatic exercise that pays lip service to Africa’s needs. It must be a catalyst for real change, mobilizing resources, attention, and action toward the continent's challenges.

The summit should aim to foster long-term partnerships between African nations and the global community that are rooted in mutual respect and shared goals, rather than paternalistic aid paradigms that have characterized past relationships.

In conclusion, the world cannot afford to overlook Africa any longer. With its vast potential and numerous challenges, Africa stands at a crossroads. The UN Summit of the Future 2024 provides a vital opportunity for the international community to rethink its approach to the continent and build a future where Africa plays a central role in shaping global outcomes. Addressing Africa’s long-standing issues will not only benefit the continent but will also contribute to a more just, equitable, and resilient world.

The author is an applied economist.