PSC cautions on recruitment

WESTERN PROVINCE KARONGI — The Executive Secretary of the Public Service Commission (PSC) Angelina Muganza, has cautioned leaders against favouritism while recruiting workers.

Thursday, May 21, 2009


KARONGI — The Executive Secretary of the Public Service Commission (PSC) Angelina Muganza, has cautioned leaders against favouritism while recruiting workers.

While meeting local leaders in Karongi District on Wednesday Muganza affirmed the commission’s commitment to ensuring that job seekers are recruited on merit.

"We need to make citizens to actually feel that jobs are procured through merit. The notion that jobs are allocated on the basis of nepotism should be shunned. The Public Service Commission is out to clear this illusion,” she said.

Muganza added that PSC is also mandated to investigate cases of ‘unfair treatment’ among government employees.

"One of our main targets is to help those public servants whose rights are violated. If any such case is discovered in an institution, we submit detailed reports and make appropriate course of action,” she said.

The PSC operates under the Ministry of Public Service and Labour.

At the meeting, Paul Jabo, the Executive Secretary of the Western Province, called on workers to always aim at doing quality work.

"The biggest country’s resource is its human resource base. Other forms of capital cannot be meaningfully exploited without human resource intervention,” he said, adding that there is need for public servants to put more efforts in their work and work effectively because they have job security.

Calling for more commitment among workers, Jabo reminded sector leaders that they serve at the centre of the country’s development initiatives.

"Executive secretaries are the centre of all administrative and development organs in the country. You even represent the president in your respective sectors. So you need to use your potentials effectively,” he said.
