Fix our roads PLEASE!

Dear Editor, I live in Remera, just opposite the Amahoro National Stadium. The tarred road along the stadium was recently fixed of all potholes. It is in perfect condition. Horror of horrors when you drive down the adjacent roads that are not tarred.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Dear Editor,

I live in Remera, just opposite the Amahoro National Stadium. The tarred road along the stadium was recently fixed of all potholes. It is in perfect condition. Horror of horrors when you drive down the adjacent roads that are not tarred.

Editor, it is two worlds of roads,  that make you wonder if the authorities care at all. If they cannot tar the roads they should at least, level them, so they are easy to use.

There is so much development taking place, in that area, new hotels, restaurants, etc, but the roads remain a nightmare.
Someone help, please!

Janet Makama