Nursing – a noble and challenging profession

Nursing is one of the most in demand careers. A nurse is an integral part of the health care profession. The profession is just not a great way of making money. It is considered as a sacred profession, serving the human being just as doctors do.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Nursing is one of the most in demand careers. A nurse is an integral part of the health care profession. The profession is just not a great way of making money. It is considered as a sacred profession, serving the human being just as doctors do.

This profession demands skill, hard work and devotion. To become a good nurse, a person should have the qualities such as passion, interpersonal skill, presence of mind and commitment.

Exactness in carrying out the instructions of the physician is a key responsibility of a nurse. The doctor is responsible for the treatment of the case, and the patient and family are responsible for the choice of the doctor.

The nurse, whether man or woman should not always pretend or think they know better than the doctor. Watchfulness in everything is the duty of a nurse. Without it, a patient may get out of bed in a delirium, and perhaps fall down stairs, out of the window.

The life of the patient may be in the hands of the nurse, as the safety of the passengers and cargo of a ship is in that of the pilot at the helm.

When many doses of medicine or portions of food have to be given through the day and night, it is best that the times and quantities shall be written down, instead of trusting her or his memory.

Then a record of some kind being made when each procedure is undertaken makes ready a report of the treatment for the doctor to see when he comes.

Quietness is very necessary in the sickroom. Stamping around in heavy or creaking shoes, talking loud, swinging in a rocking-chair, slamming doors or windows, or even much rustling of garments; all noises are utterly inadmissible and injurious.

The nurse should always prepare and bring anything to the patient under the directions of the doctor. The doctor always knows what is best for the patient, and should be offered quietly.

Nurses need to have certain qualities such as kindness, good common sense, carefulness, quietness, neatness, handiness, cheerfulness.

Mere professional skill and obligation is not enough for the welfare of a patient. Sympathy is worth much to a sufferer.

Patience is often called for in attendance upon the sick, and selfish people do not have a large stock of this, which can not be bought with money, it must come from love and at least, from genuine kindness of heart.

Carefulness is indispensable. One, who will give a dose of medicine without looking at the label on the bottle and can spill out twenty drops when ten were ordered, can upset a breakfast tray on the bed and leave a vessel under the bed for hours uncovered.

Nurses should not keep food or medicine in sight of a sick person. Neatness is a very similar quality to quietness. Nothing should be allowed to be slovenly, much less dirty around a sick person. A wet cloth will be better than a brush or broom in cleaning furniture and carpet.

Handiness is an excellent quality in doing all sorts of things, in the sick-room, as well as everywhere else. While it is not absolutely indispensable, the opposite - clumsiness and awkwardness, may cause much discomfort.

Cheerfulness is an excellent attribute in the sickroom. It is as pleasant as sunshine, and wholesome like it, without any of its glare. A long face or a whining voice should never enter where there is suffering enough already.

Speaking of a patient’s symptoms in his presence, unless certain questions have been asked should be avoided. Also, there must be no discussion or mention of other people’s illnesses or deaths.

Much talking of any kind should is out-of-place in the hospital wards; it interferes with the patient’s rest.
The writer is a medical practitioner