Four sector leaders arrested over Ubudehe programmes

EASTERN PROVINCE NGOMA – Police in Kibungo, Ngoma District are holding four sector Eexecutive Secretaries for allegedly swindling funds meant for poverty eradication programmes locally known as ‘Ubudehe’.

Thursday, May 21, 2009


NGOMA – Police in Kibungo, Ngoma District are holding four sector Eexecutive Secretaries for allegedly swindling funds meant for poverty eradication programmes locally known as ‘Ubudehe’.

Peter Ndikubwimana of Rukira Sector, John Bahirwe, Zaza Sector and Vincent Murasira the former Executive Secretary of Rurenge Sector, who is in charge of social affairs in Rukira, were arrested on Monday.

Another suspect Cyprien Gatungo, the Sector leader of Remera was arrested last Friday. The four were nabbed  after being accused of diverting funds which had been allocated to the Ubudehe programme.

The Mayor, Francois Niyotwagira confirmed the arrests, but could not give the details, saying that investigations were still ongoing.

Some six sector leaders have now been arrested ever since Jack Bakundukize, the Kibungo sector leader was arrested in connection with diverting fertilisers five months ago. 

Sources allege that Gatungo earlier  on had flouted  the tendering procedures in a cattle stocking programme, while he was still holding the position of  Kibungo sector leader.

It is alleged that he had awarded a tender to a person who supplied local cattle breeds, instead of exotic Fresian breeds in total violation to the terms of the tender.

"Each cow was formerly valued at Rwf.300,000 but the cows received by residents are valued at Rwf.150,000 each, yet the balance remains unaccounted for,” said a source on condition of anonymity.

At least 36 cows were supplied in Kibungo Sector last year, but four of them died few days later.

Another accused that Murasira allegedly cancelled the award to a prospective winner who quoted  Rwf.450,000 per unit  for supply of six milling machines, which he later awarded to a higher  bidder who had quoted Rwf.600, 000 per machine.

The cancellation breached the Ubudehe tendering rules because the second bidder was not endorsed by the Ubudehe committee.

The New Times also learnt that the six machines which were bought are of substandard quality and have not been functional since they were procured a year a go.
