Crime rate down

EASTERN PROVINCE RWAMAGANA – Crime in Rwamagana District fell in April in comparison to March. The District Police Commander (DPC), Bertin Mutezintare said that there were 33 crimes reported in March, while 27 were reported in April.

Thursday, May 21, 2009


RWAMAGANA – Crime in Rwamagana District fell in April in comparison to March. The District Police Commander (DPC), Bertin Mutezintare said that there were 33 crimes reported in March, while 27 were reported in April.

The police chief  attributed  the decline to increased security measures by the police.

Mutezintare  was speaking at a security meeting held at the district offices on Tuesday. He  further said that some minor crimes were handled by arbitrators at grassroots levels.

"Crimes which were handled by arbitrators need to be registered with the police so that a follow-up can be made to ascertain whether justice was reached. They have to be reported because we need to keep a close tab on trends,” he noted.

He said there is need to map areas which are prone to crime as this will simplify the police  work  which is centered around crime prevention.

"Leaders should also monitor what takes place in their localities and collaborate with police by reporting suspicious cases in order to prevent crimes,” Mutezintare added.

Mayor, Valens Ntezirembo blamed most crimes on  alcohol abuse, saying that some of the criminals who have been nabbed are idlers who have been spending  most of their time in bars drinking rather  than working.
