Miss KIST crowned

thunderous applause engulfed the Kigali Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) Friday night when the most beautiful student was declared. Miss KIST was finally announced after a two-month hot contest. “Winnie Mukangamije has emerged first with 87% points,” the jury declared.

Monday, October 22, 2007
CROWNED: Miss KIST Mukangamije Winnie (20) and 1st runner up Uwamahoro Nadia (21). (Photo/ M. Mazimpaka)

thunderous applause engulfed the Kigali Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) Friday night when the most beautiful student was declared. Miss KIST was finally announced after a two-month hot contest. "Winnie Mukangamije has emerged first with 87% points,” the jury declared.It was the first time such an  unusual event took place since the institute was established a decade ago.

The Institute is located right in the heart of Kigali city and is home to most science students who pursue a bachelor’s degrees.

The pageant is culturally known as Nyampinga, Mukangamije (20) has become KIST’s Nyampinga for the year 2007.

It is remarkable for a scientist to attain such an honour.

Mukangamije is a third year student pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Computer Engineering and IT.

The Rector of KIST Prof. Chrysologue Karangwa was excited and offered free meals to the three finalists for a whole academic year.

The winner pocketed Frw100, 000 and the two runners-up walked away with Frw60, 000 and Frw40, 000 respectively.

"I am so surprised but very happy that I have such support from my fellow students.

And I promise not to let them down,” the near-to tears Nyampinga said shortly after she was crowned with a shiny silver headband.

More surprises were in store for her when Jean Pierre Higiro, the president of the jury announced that the Youth and Culture Ministry offered her a trip to attend the much anticipated international event, the Commonwealth Meeting (CHOGM) next month in Kampala, Uganda. 

Higiro, who is also one of the promotes of the Rwanda Initiative Promotion (RIP), said their organisation caters for the winner’s airtime for a year and foots bills for both international and local trips.

As the event clocked to the  end, the Rector advised Miss KIST and fellow students to promote culture in this country. Similar competitions are taking place in the city.

The School of Finance and Banking (SFB) has just elected their queen while on November 03, Kigali City Council will announce the most beautiful lady in the capital.

The Nyampinga at the National University of Rwanda was also elected a few months ago.
