Teen’s Hype: A taste of his own medicine

It was a Friday morning and he always irritated me with his character. I always listened and I knew one day a fight would breakout. Peter one day met the exact image of his own character.

Monday, May 18, 2009

It was a Friday morning and he always irritated me with his character. I always listened and I knew one day a fight would breakout. Peter one day met the exact image of his own character.

Whenever Peter started an argument mostly about football, it ended in a wreck. Someone got beaten up by Peter. He was medium build but the intensity of his anger would scare some of the biggest guys.

Before an argument got to boiling point some fed up with the monotony of a repeated scene would quickly disperse. But this morning it was different.

One of the famous students who was apparently strong with big muscles was about to have a showdown with Peter. Many like me were listening, anxiously waiting for the moment. And as the moment closed in, our eyes were wide open.

"Don’t be stupid. There is nothing you know. By the way you are not informed. Go get informed and then come back and join the conversation,” Peter burst out as he pushed the huge mountain of a guy.

"Just don’t touch me brother. Speak your mind but don’t lay your breakable hands on me,” Albert said with a deep voice as he pushed him in retaliation.

Hesitantly, Peter uttered an incomplete sentence which was unlike past encounters thus revealed that he had met his match.

But things seemed to change when Albert asked, "Have u ever had a through beating or smashed like a bug?”

Peter knew that though quiet, students were listening and with his pride dared to take charge of his fear. He stretched forward his hand and on touching his opponents shoulder the fight broke. Peter was down in seconds begging for mercy.

There was loud applauding for Albert as he walked away. Disappointed, Peter was felt what others felt when he beat them up.

Until he left school, Peter had fewer arguments and no fights. Students never stopped saying that he had received a ‘Dose of his own medicine’ which later became his nickname.
