Children discovering their computers

My name is Jasat Zakariya and I am 11 years old. I use my laptop to play some music, it’s really entertaining. I relax when I am exhausted with books while listening to music from the laptop. I also chat on the laptop when I enter the chat room. Taking pictures with it is also another fun that I enjoy with my friends.

Monday, May 18, 2009

My name is Jasat Zakariya and I am 11 years old. I use my laptop to play some music, it’s really entertaining. I relax when I am exhausted with books while listening to music from the laptop. I also chat on the laptop when I enter the chat room. Taking pictures with it is also another fun that I enjoy with my friends.

Cheyenne Muvunyi is my name, I am 10 years old. The laptop is very useful to me because it helps me to research about any thing of my interest. I use it to get knowledge when I am in a place with zoom.

My name is Pamela Icyeza and I am 11 years old. I enjoy using the laptop, mostly when I take note of something important that must be kept. I normally save such work for future use and consultation. It’s far better than keeping such work in our books because they can easily get torn or lost.

Randy Muyenzi is my name and I am 11 years old. I learn about many things with the help of a computer among which is about animal life, the world map. But most of all, what interests me more is learning about culture at any time I feel.  It has really helped me in learning about my culture.

I am called Zoelie Ineza and I am 11 years old. I do not have any problem with operating my computer. I use it for research, play and record music. What is most interesting about it is that I learn good English with it. I loose my work easily but when I save it in my laptop i recover it.
