Story corner: The fish and the monkey’s heart

Long time ago, the animal kingdom used to be around Lake Muhazi. Animals decided to establish it there because of the reliable water during the dry seasons.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Long time ago, the animal kingdom used to be around Lake Muhazi. Animals decided to establish it there because of the reliable water during the dry seasons.

In the calm waters of Muhazi, there lived the mother of all fish. It was the largest fish that ever lived and it was responsible for protecting its own kind.

Since fish can’t move on land, most of the times they were at a disadvantage as compared to other animals. During the end of year celebration, the animals would gather at the shores of L.Muhazi to feast and socialise.

This was at the shores because they wanted to include the fish that could not move an inch away from water. The tricky monkey on such parties always starved the fish since it was always in charge of meals.

The fish never felt like other animals and this would anger the helpless fish. However, most animals that could not swim relied on the huge fish to go across the lake to visit their friends.

He was so reliable and unquestioning that he would even carry the monkey on his back across. One day, the monkey dragged the young fish out of water and made fun as the little fish gasped for air. The fish fainted and almost died.

The mother fish was so angry with the monkey and on one of those days when the fish carried him across, in the middle of the deep water the fish told monkey he was going to eat his heart in revenge.

The cunning monkey laughed out loudly and said, "You want to eat my heart? That’s no problem my dear but I don’t move with my heart I leave it up in the tree branches,” said the monkey.

"So take me to the shores then I will go up in the branches get you my heart,” the monkey tricked him.

The fish did so and when the monkey got on the tree he laughed at the fish’s foolishness and never returned down again.
