Assetamorwa to become federation

ASSETAMORWA, a motor-cycle taxi operators’ association has plans to form a federation at national level, the president of the association, Dieudonne Nteziyaremye, has revealed.

Monday, May 18, 2009

ASSETAMORWA, a motor-cycle taxi operators’ association has plans to form a federation at national level, the president of the association, Dieudonne Nteziyaremye, has revealed.

Nteziyaremye who had earlier said that the association was to become a cooperative, said that basing on the scope of its work all over the country; the Rwanda Cooperative Agency (RCA) advised that it either forms a federation or becomes a company.

"They (members) chose to form a federation instead of becoming a company,” Damien Mugabo, RCA Director General, said.

The decision was arrived at after the realisation of how big the association has grown and could not easily be managed as a cooperative.

"This will give the association a clear way forward based on the arrangement through which a federation will be achieved and its benefits.”

According to Mugabo, all ASSETAMORWA braches in various districts will register with RCA as independent cooperatives. Then in threes, cooperatives in every district will form unions and finally a federation at national level.

"The federation is more significant for such an association. It is able to diversify as well as research for more inflow based on its capacity to perform in development,” he said.

Explaining further, he said that federations are empowered to act at a higher level compared to cooperatives. He said that such a body has all the capacity to look for market in large arenas like the East African market.

Records show that various ASSETAMORWA branches are registering as independent cooperatives. So far, 18 cooperatives have been registered in Bugesera, Rulindo, Kicukiro, and Musanze districts among others.

Nteziyaremye commended the development saying that more efforts are being engaged to ensure a quick completion of the process.

"Our efforts are now geared towards the branches to register with RCA. When that is done, we shall organise how the unions are to be formed,” he said.
