Senate elections get underway with 32 candidates in the race
Monday, September 16, 2024
One of voters casts her vote during the polls to elect 12 senators in Kigali on Monday, September 16. Courtesy

Elections for 12 senators by national administrative entities comprising four provinces and the City of Kigali got underway on Monday, September 16.

There are 32 candidates in the race for the elective seats in the Senate.

According to the National Electoral Commission (NEC), the voting started at 10am and the closing time is 1pm.

Voting starts after assessors have ensured that at least half the members of the electoral college are available at provincial or City of Kigali level.

ALSO READ: Senatorial elections: 32 senate candidates approved

Meanwhile, for the two representatives of universities and institutions of higher learning, voting will be held on Tuesday, according to NEC.

Voters during the polls to elect 12 senators on Monday, September 16.

Regarding candidates for Senate elected in accordance with administrative entities of the country, Northern Province has three candidates namely Laetitia Nyinawamwiza, Jean d'Amour Gatera, and Amandin Rugira.

Southern Province has seven candidates who are Pelagie Uwera, Innocent Nkurunziza, Innocent Iyakaremye, Aimée Jaqueline Umutangana, Adrie Umuhire, Sosthène Cyitatire, and Elisabeth Mukamana.

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Five candidates represent Eastern Province. They are John Bonds Bideri, Aphrodise Nambaje, Angeline Urujeni, Fulgence Nsengiyumva, and Alvera Mukabaramba.

In Western Province, nine candidates are vying for seats in the Senate, namely Emmanuel Havugimana, Celestin Kabahizi, Boniface Nyaminani, Theobard Mporanyi, Sylvestre Hitimana, Speciose Nyirabahire, Marie Rose Mureshyankwano, Cyprien Niyomugabo, and Bernadette Nzabamwita.

For the City of Kigali, four candidates namely Hellen Katushime, Pravda Mfurankunda, Edi-Jones Nkubito, and Esperance Nyirasafari, seek to become senators in the upcoming polls.

ALSO READ: Senate candidates hit the campaign trail ahead of September polls

Polling stations

In the Southern, Western, Eastern, and Northern provinces, polling stations are largely district halls.

However, some districts have designated other places polling station.

In Gisagara District, the elections are held in a conference hall belonging to YEGO (Youth Empowerment for Global Opportunity) Center, while in Huye District voting is being held at Huye Stadium.

In Nyamagabe District polls are taking place in Gasaka Sector Hall, while in Nyagatare District voting is held at the University of Rwanda (UR) Nyagatare campus hall, and in Gatsibo District in the Kabarondo Sector Hall.

For the three districts in the City of Kigali, senatorial elections are taking place at the city hall.

Elections for senators to represent higher learning institutions

For public universities and institutions of higher learning, polling stations are UR Huye Campus and IPRC Kitabi for Southern Province; IPRC Rusizi and IPRC Karongi for Western Province; UR Nyagatare, IPRC Ngoma, UR Rwamagana, and UR Rukara for Eastern Province.

In Northern Province, the polling station is IPRC Musanze, while polling stations in the City of Kigali are UR Remera and UR Nyarugenge campuses.

Regarding private universities and institutions of higher learning, polling stations are Protestant Institute of Arts and Social Sciences (PIASS) Huye Campus and University of Lay Adventists of Kigali (UNILAK) Nyanza Campus for Southern Province and ICK Kabgayi, while in Eastern province, they are the East African University Rwanda, and UNILAK Rwamagana.

Candidates for representation of higher learning institution in the Senate

Meanwhile, three candidates namely Anne Marie Kagwesage, Telesphore Ngarambe, and Evariste Ntakirutimana, are vying for one seat reserved for a representative of public higher learning institution in the Senate, while only one candidate, Penina Uwimbabazi, appears on the list issued by NEC to represent the private academic entities.

Electoral college

The electoral college for 12 Senators elected in accordance with national administrative entities, consists of the bureau of council members of sectors making up all districts in the provinces and the City of Kigali, members of councils of districts having legal personality, and those of the City of Kigali Council.

For the election of one Senator representing public universities and higher learning institutions, and the Senator representing private universities and institutions of higher learning, the electorate consists of respective academic and research staff from those entities.