My life, my rules!
Thursday, July 28, 2022
In the moment, I will live my best single life. Photo: Net

I know you have heard quite a lot about marriage, but it’s a topic not worth skipping. Who gives people the audacity to ask others when they are getting married?

At first, the question of when I was getting married didn’t bother me, especially in my early 20s, because actually, no one asked. I was younger and busy chasing my dreams, and making money. Yes, I love money and that’s why I hustle to be rich. I am allergic to poverty, anyhow, that’s a story for another day.

Gone are the days I lived life to the fullest without having to worry about the tick of time, now age is chasing after me, so people think. Those that throw their opinions anyhow.

I am trying to be as calm as possible, but I am actually fuming.  You’re yet to know why. I never question people’s decisions, especially if they don’t affect me.

So recently, I posted a photo with a male friend. You know that friendly side hug you give to ‘a brother’, who isn't a brother, yes that one. Well, we looked so good. So I decided to post the picture on my WhatsApp status with an amazing message, appreciating how special this person is in my life.

Fact is, the person is special, but nothing more. I wish I was a poet, I would have inflated the message a little more just to poke people who don’t mind their damn business.

Well, after about some seconds, my phone started buzzing, there were lots of messages from people who I had taken ages without hearing from, asking whether that was my boyfriend. Those I ignored because I didn’t find the need to explain myself.

One message was from a relative who just texted, ‘congs.’I responded, "for?” she continued to type that she thought I had finally found ‘Mr. Right.’ I was left speechless. This is a person who has stressed me about marriage. She isn’t even so close to me.  I at times wonder why it is so much of her concern.

One of these days I paid a visit to the same person, as I was saying my goodbyes after a fun day, she again asked the same tedious question for the thousandth time, "you mean you haven’t started dating?” this time around it was so embarrassing because she said it in public.

I exaggerate not, I almost wanted the chairs to swallow me. For Christ’s sake, I am not even 30 years old. But even if I were 50, it’s still not anyone’s business. I haven’t read anywhere that entering heaven's gates requires a marriage certificate.

I am tired… like extremely fade up of such questions. If someone isn’t married, there is a reason as to why. Don’t make life miserable for me.  I can’t chase money and chase men at the same time. When the good one comes, I will know.

But as for now, I raise my glass and toast to good single life. Let me polish myself. Let me travel the world. Let me work on fulfilling my purpose. Let me sip on some good coffee. Let me smile and take a million photos. Let me look young. Let me explore. Let me have fun, so much fun. Let me learn new things. Let me make friends. Let me scoop big career deals.  Let me grow in all aspects, emotionally, and spiritually. Let me do it all.

Truthfully, I am not having sleepless nights nor is my life taking a pose just because I am single.  At least I will look back and realise that I didn’t let any moment slip away. This I will tell my children one day.

If you’re single and settling for less or making decisions based on pressure, think twice. When things go ablaze, it will be your battle to fight, not anyone’s.

If you still value our friendship, ask me all other questions, but ‘not’ when I am getting married. And for those who are good at judging, first take a walk in my shoes.