27-year old electrocuted

WESTERN PROVINCE KARONGI — A 27-year old man was last Friday electrocuted.

Sunday, May 17, 2009


KARONGI — A 27-year old man was last Friday electrocuted.

Philbert Mbaragijimana a.k.a Captain, a resident of Kiniha cell in Bwishyura Sector Karongi District was electrocuted while welding a drum, which has been part of his routine work.

According to eye witness at the scene, Mbaragujimana, a welder, got a premium empty drum from a nearby petrol station and took it to his welding site.

"At around 11am, I went with him (late Mbaragijimana) to get this drum from Kobil Petrol Station. We were advised not to weld it but he refused,” one of his workmates, Alphonse Manirakiza said.

Manirakiza added that a few seconds later, he heard a thud which made him lose conscious, and when he regained his senses, Mbaragijimana was lying down with blood flowing.

"I looked back and saw blood oozing out of his head. But I remained speechless until other people arrived,’ the seemingly shocked man narrated.

Mbaragijimana, whose wedding was slated for August, according to his mother, Domithile Mukantabana, has been working as a welder for the last two years.

"He has welded for two years and his job has been crucial to our family,” Mukantabana said with tears rolling down her face.

His body was immediately rushed to Kibuye Hospital for a post-mortem.
