How to plan your time as a task-oriented person
Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Where are people who want to focus on their tasks, and until they are done, that’s when they can go to the next one. Regardless of the time and how long it takes, they want to finish before starting another one. 

This is attainable, but it can at times be hard because inconveniences come and one is most likely not to be able to manage their time and plan for other things.

According to different online publications, task-oriented means focusing and being devoted to completing certain tasks, especially those that contribute to the success of a larger project or job. 

Brendah Uwineza, a sales representative in a shipping company, says that being task-oriented can be quite hard because if tasks are not done as one wants, they can feel stressed.

However, with proper time allocation, achieving this target is still possible.

"Sometimes task oriented people want to focus on their tasks, and if they have other plans, they ignore them until their tasks are done. They might even find it hard to manage time or plans that they have,” she says.

But a task-oriented person doesn’t have to do all tasks at once and in one day. They can break them into parts and pick out the urgent ones to work on and leave others for tomorrow, Uwineza says.

"That way, if they finish the first one, they will still be satisfied with what’s done and will not feel guilty having other plans not related to their tasks,” she says.

Dennis Kaberuka, who works in logistics, says that although being task-oriented is important, managing time and being able to plan with no stress is also needed.

"You can perform all your tasks and still manage time and miss no plans. You can put in breaks to relax and juggle through other plans, and balance all the things.”

He notes that as a task oriented person, you need to remember that you owe yourself a break from your tasks. " For you to be productive enough and efficient, you need to remind yourself that you need that small break, you need time management and you need to have other plans,” he says.

An article on Tailoring the Good Life, notes that task-oriented people can make their own schedule to be able to make better use of time.

"When you are a task-oriented person, you would want to make a to-do list with tasks you need to do on a weekly basis, according to the goals you’ve set and those you want to reach. You don’t make your daily schedule using a time-frame, like ,from 10 am until 11 am I’ll work on this, and from 2 pm until 4 pm I’ll work on that,” the article shows.

Rather, make a list of the tasks you need to get done for the week, and every morning you pick out something you want to work on that day. Assign weekly tasks that you can switch around during the week, it continues.

Themed days

The article also notes that another approach is having themed days. Having certain kinds of tasks assigned to certain days keeps working on tasks to a minimum, especially when you have quite a few tasks on your plate for the week. Themed days could be a happy medium between tasks that need to be done on time and having the freedom to work on those tasks whenever you want to. 

Feel accomplished

As a task-oriented person, you would like to feel accomplished at the end of the day, just like time-oriented people do. To get that done, you can break up your big task into smaller ones. It’s even an idea to put those smaller tasks on a daily to-do list. You can check off the tasks that are done and at the end of the day, you feel you have accomplished all you wanted to do for the day, without all of it needing to be done in a certain amount of time, like in time blocks. It is important to assign end dates to your bigger tasks or projects.