Rwanda to host 2025 international standards body meeting
Saturday, September 14, 2024
Rwanda Standards Board Director General Raymond Murenzi delivers remarks at the 2024 ISO annual meeting held in Cartagena, Colombia, on September 13.

Rwanda will host the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) annual meeting scheduled to take place in Kigali in October 2025, according to a decision by the global body’s General Assembly.

The announcement was made at the 2024 ISO annual meeting held in Cartagena, Colombia, on September 13.

ISO is a global network of the world's leading standardisers. It brings together global experts to develop international standards that help solve problems and drive innovation.

"It is indeed our honor and pleasure to host you next year in the beautiful, safe, green and clean City of Kigali; at the heart of the hospitably Remarkable Rwanda," Rwanda Standards Board Director General Raymond Murenzi said in a vote of thanks to the global standardisation community as he attended the meeting in Colombia.

The ISO General Assembly is the overarching organ and ultimate authority of the organisation. It is constituted by a meeting of the officers and delegates nominated by member bodies.

As a general rule, the General Assembly meets once a year. It approves, among others, ISO Strategy, ISO membership fees and ISO Central Secretariat financial statements. The General Assembly elects the President and Council members and appoints the Vice-Presidents and financial auditors.

In addition to raising awareness about standards, it also helps its members through training, and acts as a resource for standards-related research.

Delegates during at the 2024 ISO annual meeting held in Cartagena, Colombia, on September 13.
Officials at the 2024 ISO annual meeting held in Cartagena, Colombia, on September 13.
Rwanda will host the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) annual meeting scheduled to take place in Kigali in October 2025.