Legalizing homosexuality would be opening a Pandora box

Take a peek at our society 100 years ago. Then visualize 100 years into the future. Calculate the rate of change and you will recognize that some of our battles are not effective. There are things that are bound to revolutionize with time whether we like it or not. Not only in the view of social morality or political dogma but principles and beliefs of religion as well.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Take a peek at our society 100 years ago. Then visualize 100 years into the future. Calculate the rate of change and you will recognize that some of our battles are not effective.

There are things that are bound to revolutionize with time whether we like it or not. Not only in the view of social morality or political dogma but principles and beliefs of religion as well.

Something we may not permit in society at present will be fashionable tomorrow. Still, we ought to note that whether something becomes acceptable or intolerable in society, its nature as a moral or immoral behaviour remains glued to it.

Science first of all has led to the death of lots of myths and superstitions, am actually nervous they could make one very fundamental discovery about religion, perhaps 6 million years from now they might discover heaven or its non existence.

Now don’t get overly excited because that is quite impossible. Besides, you will never be here by then to find out. The subject of homosexuality is more immense than I thought.

Even if no homosexual gene has been discovered yet, lots of experiments have been carried out that homosexual activists employ to prove that their behaviour is in reality as ordinary as heterosexuality.

The History Channel has given them a glimmer of hope with a documentary on homosexuality amongst beasts. In other words, if other animals such as buffalos can be homosexual, why not people?

In Rwanda, there is no mention of homosexuality in the statutes since the gay community is almost "non-existent”. Non-existence however doesn’t mean they don’t exist.

However diminutive a number they appear, they are capable of multiplying. In neighbouring Uganda, gay activists are becoming more and more pronounced even with religious leaders being claimed to practice it behind closed doors.

In Europe however, people are afraid of giving their opinions on homosexuality in fear of being identified as homophobic like most people in Africa. One thing we have to get unmistakably though is that, not ev

eryone who views homosexuality as an anomalous practice is homophobic. It’s just that some people have different beliefs that govern their lives.

So personally I think it’s wrong for gay activists to brand whoever is not gay or against it as homophobic. Some people are simply open to debate, some are opinionated and others, homophobic.

In Uganda recently, a one George Oundo denounced homosexuality and disclosed a few illicit ways that activists secretly enrol members particularly in schools and universities.

Despite the subsequent rebuffing of these claims by Sexual Minorities in Uganda, (SMUG), it got some wondering whether a biologically natural occurrence needed any enrolment.

If it were as natural as we are asked to believe, would it necessitate a tutor?

Most homosexuals deny that it is a learnt habit. However, if that was the case, you would expect that mixed sex schools have related numbers of homosexual reports like in single sex schools. That is not the case unfortunately.

Close to 99% cases are reported to be in single sex schools. This doesn’t support the natural law debate. It only proves the law of deprivation.

A boy who goes to school with only boys is more likely to become homosexual than the one who goes to school with girls, because he is deprived of the other sex. This is a curable behaviour just like any addiction, not a natural behaviour.

Legalizing homosexuality would be opening a Pandora box. This is because even paedophiles, bestial and other communally unaccepted sexual practices would doubtlessly come out to solicit for their privileges.

Most homosexuals say they are different from these other sexual diversions because there is consent in their practice unlike in others. This is a fact for two consenting adults engaging in homosexuality.

The tricky part though is that consent and natural behaviour do not necessarily compliment each other. If someone claims to be gay by birth, there is no fairness for him to assume normality simply because of consent and yet scorn his paedophile counterpart who was supposedly born a paedophile, but can’t talk to babies to earn their consent.

Besides, it’s not always true that two consenting adults come up with something moral. Talk of two people claiming innocence because they consented to shoplifting.
If it were a normal practice, why do we get reformists?

Why do people like George Oundo come out to denounce homosexuality and make allegations against their former financiers? Does it mean that Oundo forsook his natural nature or did he simply give up his habit?

You would expect Juliet Mukasa, the head of SMUG to sue for the damage he caused to the organization. But all she did was organize a press meeting and deny Oundo’s allegation and agitate for his arrest.

But for close to two months now, she has said nothing to clear his allegations against her organization. You would think it’s only Oundo coming out to testify against his sexuality, but more and more young men are seeking their way out of the practice.

Finally when they do, they are not afraid to speak about it as a "barbaric” practice.

People always have reasons for everything they do. This means that for as long we live, homosexuals will always seek to be recognised. Perhaps they won’t get their way now, but a trend in history shows that sooner or later, homosexuals will be allowed to freely relate even in our African traditions.

The church itself has gone a very huge step to prove this. Who would have thought that one day, the Anglican community could curve the biblical beliefs so much so as to ordain a gay Bishop in New Hampshire?

If we think the church is hostile to this behaviour but can tolerate a Bishop, how about the governments which are always changing and always aiming to appease the masses and donors?

The future may seem to have more governments legalising homosexuality but as for now, we must accept the fact that it is illegal. And even if it’s legalized a hundred years from now, it won’t mean that it is a natural practice.

Science and society have shown so far that it is an ailment, just as other sexual deviations. My advice to the patients is that they seek help before it gets to levels where they will be disillusioned to think that it is alright to do what they are doing.

And society can help those they know are into it by not throwing stones at them but by encouraging them to go for counselling.