Allan’s Life Principles: Try out the power of offertory

I have learnt that the people in the bible had to make offertories to God in order to achieve what they wanted in life and to overcome many challenges in their lives. They had to make sacrifices in order to win battles, get wives/husbands, conceive, and get good harvests, Judges 11:29-40.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

I have learnt that the people in the bible had to make offertories to God in order to achieve what they wanted in life and to overcome many challenges in their lives. They had to make sacrifices in order to win battles, get wives/husbands, conceive, and get good harvests, Judges 11:29-40.

My brothers and sisters, I know that we all pray to get out of several situations and some persist. Have you ever tried making an offertory to God for a particular solution? Like say, "God I am giving this Rwf 20,000 as my offertory to you. Please, help me pass my exams…or please let me be healed…or please let me get a good job.”

The bible tells you to try God with your offering and see what He can do. I once told God that if my deal (which seemed at the brink of collapse) of 900,000/= goes through, I will offer 100,000/= to the church. It all worked out for me and the deal went through though it seemed like it was about to fail. TRY IT OUT.

In life, we should learn to undertake the following offertories as stated in the book of Judges in the bible:

1) Tithing at the end of the month    2)   Giving offertory whenever you go to church
3) Giving an offering at the beginning of every month to bless that month
4) Making offertory for a particular target

The book of Malachi 3:10 and several others say that the principles that open the windows of heaven are:

1) Offertory: always offer your best Malachi 1:7     2)   Prayer: pray when walking, reading, working, every time   3)   Righteousness.

The bible says that there is more joy in giving than receiving. This is very true. It’s also true that that one whom you give is also more likely to give back in return.

This is on human level basis. A fellow human being’s ability to give back is limited. It’s incomparable to the rewards God can give just because of your genuine offertory during mass.

It’s also known that prayer is man’s way to communicate to God. How would you feel if you spent more than a day without talking or communicating with your close friend(s)?

I guess you would feel something is terribly amiss. We however rarely remember to say a simple good morning to God. Even that one day in the week called the Sabbath sometimes finds us doing other ‘more important’ things.

If you make your offertory, keep communicating to your friend, God, and you will be sure that closeness will pay up. You however can not gain from the joy of giving (offertory) and communication (prayer), if you are not righteous.

Remember, God is not after the religious but the righteous. Those are the ones that receive His blessings in abundance. Just apply the above principles in your life and make that offertory and you will witness God’s power in your life.