Use His word to calm the storms of life

The word of God is spiritually inspired to help those who believe in it and apply it in their lives. The Bible contains some of the most reassuring scriptures that can uphold one’s courage through any circumstance or trial. I will cite some verses that can be very helpful in our ongoing fight against temptation, trial and sin.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

The word of God is spiritually inspired to help those who believe in it and apply it in their lives. The Bible contains some of the most reassuring scriptures that can uphold one’s courage through any circumstance or trial. I will cite some verses that can be very helpful in our ongoing fight against temptation, trial and sin.

1 Corinthians 10:13
13No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.

In this verse believers are assured that whatever they are facing is not the first of its kind and since God is faithful and in control of the situation, He will always provide a way out.

But most importantly Apostle Paul calls on believers to be brave and rest assured that the trials they undergo will never exceed their endurance.

So there is no excuse whatsoever for a Christian to break down or get overwhelmed by trouble unless they doubt God’s capacity.

This verse can be very useful not only in facing problems but also in fighting the temptation to sin. Many times we give in to temptation and sin because we have surrendered to the Human nature and rarely apply God’s word in fighting the devil.

We all know that Satan, our old time enemy, always seeks to amplify our weaknesses and turn us against God even after salvation.

However God knows this too and is very concerned, that is why He gave us his Word which is so powerful that when used effectively it can send the devil fleeing for dear life!

If you want proof, turn your Bible to Luke 4: 3-13 and see how that coward, Satan tried to tempt the son of God but took to his heels on seeing that Jesus was well versed with the scripture.

In a similar way we should stand up to the devil whether in trial or temptation (for we know that he is the cause of all these) so that he does not rejoice when we are emotionally crushed or fall into sin.

We should not in any way surrender to the circumstances surrounding us however harsh they may be. A true believer has a reserve of joy and peace that never runs out whatever his or her circumstances are.

This internal sense of well being is as a result of faith and confidence in Jesus Christ as the Lord of all situations and resultant victory from God.

You can wedge the two edged sword (the word of God) against the devil, but it requires you to master the word and the art of using it to overcome various situations.

When for example you are surrounded by problems and seem to have no way out, remembering that God is in control and that He will not let you be tempted beyond your faith  helps you to persevere.

If you know the whole of 1 Corinthians 10:13 you will strive to overcome the situation bearing in mind that God will definitely provide a way out for you.

This will help you grow spiritually and enable you to face life’s struggles. The verse does not say that God will miraculously lift you out of problems rather it says He will provide a way out. You have to find that way and use it…start with prayer.

Romans 8:28
28And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.  

The second verse, Romans 8: 28 assures us that if we truly are God’s children and love Him, He will use his undisputed power to make all situations benefit us, even those that are unfavourable.

This may sound far fetched but it is indeed true and applicable in everyday life. God uses situations to teach us lessons and help us grow closer to Him; therefore nothing happens by accident, especially in a believer’s life.

Just like that verse says, all things are pre-designed and work together to shape us. That is why we should always pray, for God to take us through various situations soundly and help us become better persons.

Of course God can change circumstances in a flash -especially if we repent and change our ways- but it will always be at His will and not ours.

Therefore as Christians we should not be perplexed by situations but commit ourselves to God’s will and use His word to calm the storms of life.

We should also work diligently to enhance our lives spiritually and physically because we have the power within us. Remember 1 John 4:4 "you are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.” Be blessed!
