High level US, WFP delegation to visit

Top officials from the United States together with the World Food Programme (WFP), will on May 18, conduct a joint field visit to three WFP assisted primary schools in the Eastern Province to assess the impact of their support.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Top officials from the United States together with the World Food Programme (WFP), will on May 18, conduct a joint field visit to three WFP assisted primary schools in the Eastern Province to assess the impact of their support.

According to a statement from WFP, the high profile team will be made up of; the Deputy Director for the Food Assistance Division of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Babette Gainor, the Director of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID-Rwanda), Dennis Weller WFP Representative and Country Director, Abdoulaye Balde.

"This  follows the contribution allocated by USDA through McGovern-Dole International Food for Education and Child Nutrition Program to support WFP Rwanda  School  Feeding  programme  from  2008-2010,” read the statement.

It adds that the USDA has committed a total of US$ 27 million (Approx. Rwf15b) worth of mixed food commodities during this period.

The team will visit Biharagu, Mayange A and Nyakayage primary schools in Bugesera District to witness first hand on going school activities and more importantly the school feeding component that WFP has been supporting since 2002.

"They will interact with local authorities, teachers, school children, student representatives and Parent Teacher Associations (PTA) and also visit the on-going school garden projects, an initiative by the school and community supported by WFP and FAO and aimed at embracing a home grown school feeding programme,” adds the statement.

The release also quotes WFP boss, Balde, saying that; "We are pleased with the US continued support to WFP even during the global financial crisis whose impact is being felt world wide.”

"WFP continues to explore innovative ways to ensure community ownership of the school feeding programme is achieved as this is fundamental to facilitate continuity and sustainability of the programme” he adds.

To date, WFP has provided 25 dairy cows costing US$ 35,000 (Approx Rwf 19m) to 19 WFP assisted schools located in Vision 2020 Umurenge sectors.

Also, WFP and FAO are providing technical advice to WFP assisted schools on how to cultivate school gardens and plant nutritious mixed vegetables and fruits.

WFP Rwanda provides a hot mid-day meal to 300,000 primary school children in 300 schools in the most food-insecure areas.

Additionally, WFP is in the process of expanding its support to an additional 50,000 school children to accommodate the newly approved nine year basic education system
