On the grapevine

People’s take on the decision by Egyptian authorities to kill all pigs in the country Reports from the World Health organisations (W.H.O) show that swine flu has run out of control. It has therefore issued an International alert on the epidemic to enable all countries to protect its nationals against the infection.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

People’s take on the decision by Egyptian authorities to kill all pigs in the country

Reports from the World Health organisations (W.H.O) show that swine flu has run out of control. It has therefore issued an International alert on the epidemic to enable all countries to protect its nationals against the infection.

This has seen many countries putting in place measures that can safe guard its nationals from the flu. Presently, the pandemic has mostly affected Mexico by losing both nationals as well as the international market for pork.

Among the many measures taken by different governments is monitoring citizens who have travelled to places where the pandemic has been reported. Work has increased at border posts and airports to check whoever enters the country.

Egyptian authorities have decided to kill all the pigs in the country, as a measure against the transmission of swine flu.

SundayMag’s Grace Mugoya got onto the street for the word on the grapevine and what people thought of the measure.

"I believe it’s not right to kill all the pigs in the country. I believe it would have been better to identify whether these pigs are infected or not. I don’t think all the pigs in the country are infected,” Alex Byamugisha, 30, Business man.

"I disagree with such a decision and my defence is that the pandemic has not been reported in any African country. It is therefore important to keep an eye at the borders instead of such a decision. However, no one is above the law. If it has been passed as law, they (Egyptians) have to endure,” David Asiimwe, 25, Teacher.

"Yes prevention is better than cure. If all the pigs are killed in the country, the infection will not have many chances of being transmitted. It will also give them a clear route where the flu came from in case it invades the country. It may sound bad for those in the business but it’s a sacrifice for a better future,” Ritah kobusingye, 20, Student. 

"It’s the minority in Egypt who rear pigs. It was therefore easy to come up with such a decision; otherwise I believe its operation of the minority. It could have been hard and a prolonged debate if it were the majority who reared pigs. Those who rear them will definitely suffer the loss, they should be compensated though,” John Butare, 30, Mechanic.

"If they kill all pigs in the country, the future of some businessmen dealing in its products is put at a risk. The Ministry of animal and industry should come-up to defends the minority,” Alice Uwimbabazi, 25, Hair dresser. 

Like our Nigerian friends say, God Forbido such a scenario taking place here.
