Perfect Weekend…. Bruno Rangira

Rangira is the Director of Media and Communication at Kigali City Council. He therefore has to deal with us, the media on an almost daily basis, even on weekends. Rangira however says a weekend is a weekend and below he tells us what counts for a perfect one: My weekend starts on Friday evening. I go home, relax and watch movies and later go out with friends.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Rangira is the Director of Media and Communication at Kigali City Council. He therefore has to deal with us, the media on an almost daily basis, even on weekends. Rangira however says a weekend is a weekend and below he tells us what counts for a perfect one: My weekend starts on Friday evening. I go home, relax and watch movies and later go out with friends.

On Saturday, although I spend two hours in the office, it’s when I feel it’s a weekend. I usually have my best dish of fish fillet with mushroom at my favourite lunch place.

Immediately after the lunch, I go home, have a shower and rest. In the evening, I go out to catch-up with my friends. We exchange ideas depending on what is taking place in our areas of interest.

The discussions actually play the greatest part in making a weekend perfect for me. This is because I learn more from my friends while sharing my own ideas too. I however make sure I am home before midnight.

On Sunday, I do not miss church. I also relax a bit as I read the Sunday Times and watch movies. I actually spend most of my Sundays at home. I go to bed earlier in order to prepare for Monday. That’s it for my perfect weekend.
