Aunt’s corner

Dear Aunt Silvia, I am a married man and father of seven children. I love my wife and children very much, but my wife is driving me to the hands of another woman. She never gives me peace when I am at home, neither does she prepare any food that I like or even what the children want.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Dear Aunt Silvia,

I am a married man and father of seven children. I love my wife and children very much, but my wife is driving me to the hands of another woman.

She never gives me peace when I am at home, neither does she prepare any food that I like or even what the children want. I always get my food properly cooked the way I like it elsewhere.

I have to take my children on an outing at least twice a week because she never prepares food that either my children or I want. This is driving me nuts because I am now finding comfort away from home, something I had vowed I will never do. What do I do?

Dear Innocent,

Some women, once they are married and have children tend to think that all is done. In the case of your wife, her levels of care seem to have dropped and even worse, she is not preparing decent meals for you.

However, you need to devise a new way of dealing with this issue instead of going to seek comfort in another woman’s hands which might lead to so many people getting hurt in the process.

You will also be risking your life and that of your family going to another woman because having multiple partners increases chances of contracting HIV/AIDS. How sure are you that this other woman is not seeing other men on the side when you are not with her?

Don’t play with your life here just because your wife is not doing the right things at home. I advise you to take matters in your own hands and do the grocery shopping with your children. 

Am sure if you went and bought all the types of food stuff that you want prepared and stock them in the house, then your wife will have no problem preparing it for you and the children.

So get down to business, cut all the ties you have with this other lady before it’s too late and concentrate on your family. These are small kitchen issues which should not go beyond the walls of your house.
