Impact of show business, social media on society
Friday, September 13, 2024
Revelers dance as Ariel Uwayezu, commonly known as Ariel Wayz performs at BK Arena on January 1, 2023.

The entertainment industry, also known as show business, plays a significant role in our society, not just as an economic resource but also as a source of happiness and enjoyment. This industry, along with other aspects of the creative sector, has the power to inform, educate, and entertain. While all three aspects are important, entertainment often captures the most attention from audiences. It is supposed to bring pleasure and joy, and for many, it does. However, the pursuit of fame and success within this industry can sometimes lead people down a darker path. In the quest to gain followers and views, some individuals engage in harmful and unethical behaviours, damaging not only their integrity but also the fabric of society.

The dark side of fame

In the highly competitive world of show business and social media, many content creators feel the pressure to stand out and gain popularity quickly. Unfortunately, this desire for instant fame has led some to take unethical shortcuts. For example, they may resort to revealing private secrets about people they once called friends or creating drama by betraying those close to them.

Others form cliques or groups specifically to destroy the reputations of their competitors or those who are seen as doing similar things. Some go as far as preparing pranks through lies, paying people to say bad things about others, or spreading false information. All of these actions are aimed at increasing followership, boosting views, and earning money from various platforms.

The result is a large number of content creators who build their names, platforms, and brands by wronging or destroying others and producing negative content. This approach not only damages the reputation of individuals but also contributes to a toxic environment where lies and negativity are the norm. In this race for fame and wealth, many people lose their humanity and humility, forgetting cultural values and traditions. They create new personas that they believe will attract more attention, even if it means compromising their morals.

The role of social media

Social media has become a powerful tool for communication and connection. It was built to convey positive and constructive messages and to bring people together. However, in recent years, it has often been used as a battleground. Many people now act as spies, investigators, journalists, and analysts on these platforms, using them to attack others and spread misinformation. What was once a means of sharing information and ideas has become a field for cold wars and battles between individuals and groups.

The lack of professionalism and integrity on social media is alarming. Influencers and content creators who have significant followings and the power to shape opinions, often lead their followers down a path of deceit and manipulation. They fight verbally, lie intentionally, and spread falsehoods, all in the name of gaining more followers and views. As a result, we see a large number of influencers who lack morals, values, and principles. Like leaders in various fields such as churches and families, some of these influencers hold positions of power but lack the character needed to lead responsibly.

A generation in crisis?

The behaviour exhibited by many in the entertainment industry and on social media has created a generation that seems intent on building a society filled with depression and anxiety. The pursuit of a fake lifestyle to impress others has led many to act against their values, causing stress and unhappiness. People are living lives that are not true to who they are, all for the sake of maintaining a façade that they believe will attract more attention and money. This has led to an increase in mental health issues, as people are constantly comparing themselves to others and feeling inadequate.

The overwhelming amount of information available on social media makes it difficult for people to distinguish truth from lies. It is as if this generation has come with a mission to create a nation full of sadness and despair. The constant need to be seen, liked, and followed has taken a toll on our collective well-being.

A call for change

Change must begin at the individual level. Everyone should reflect on their actions, identify areas for improvement, and strive to become better versions of themselves. Life is full of challenges, but by working hard and smart, we can navigate these difficulties without causing harm to others. Collaboration, rather than competition, should be our goal. The world has enough resources and opportunities for everyone. We don’t need to tear each other down to succeed.

If everyone focused on their unique gifts and lived with purpose, we could avoid the constant struggle for superficial gains. In the end, nothing material truly matters; we leave this world with nothing. Even our bodies become part of the earth. So, we should ask ourselves whether the content we create and consume is truly what we need. Are we building a society that we are proud of, or are we contributing to its downfall?

Looking forward

There is much that the world has to offer to all of us. We should not have to lose for someone else to gain. The idea that success is a zero-sum game is false. Collaboration and mutual support are far more powerful than competition. If we work together, we can achieve more than we ever could alone. We should enjoy the process of life, be grateful for the progress we make, and aim for a better tomorrow without being a barrier to someone else’s happiness or success.

Should I make a wish?

Relevant institutions should implement measures to curb the negative trends in the entertainment industry and on social media. This issue goes beyond social media battles—it’s a significant threat to our society and future generations. It’s time for us to take a stand and demand better from ourselves and each other. By doing so, we can create a world that is not only entertaining but also uplifting and positive.

The writer is a poet, life coach, and ghostwriter.