The secret life of...Damien Mugabo

Mugabo is the Director General of the Rwanda Cooperative Agency (RCA). It’s the body responsible for registering and monitoring cooperatives in the country. He is married and a father of five. Below, he reveals a bit of his Secret Life: The first thing you do in the morning……. Plan my working day.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Mugabo is the Director General of the Rwanda Cooperative Agency (RCA). It’s the body responsible for registering and monitoring cooperatives in the country. He is married and a father of five. Below, he reveals a bit of his Secret Life:

The first thing you do in the morning…….
Plan my working day.

When are you happiest?

When I accomplish a national assignment.

Greatest fear….

Death in horrible pain.

Earliest childhood memory…

My father’s death.

Affectionate memory of your parents….

Love and sacrifices for me

Greatest Achievement…..

Drive the third Population census of my Country.

What keeps you awake?

Bad news from a brother/sister or a friend (death, accident…).

The greatest lesson from life….

Being honest pays

During your free time…

I take care of my family.

What you hate most?

Being Stateless

Retirement plans?

None. I am concerned with my current duties.