As a young boy, Abhiir Bhalla, an environmentalist from India, often had seasonal cough, especially in the rainy season and winter period where the disease would become somewhat severe.
It was after visiting the doctor that he came to learn that his condition was as a result of the rampant pollution in the city, where he lived.
But the activism in him, wanted to do something, to not only keep him safe, but everyone else around him, even as a young boy.
And that is when he decided to become the change he wanted to see. Bhalla was only twelve years old.
Now at 20, the young activist serves as a sustainability consultant, focusing on air pollution and waste segregation. He also produces a climate change podcast, ‘Candid Climate Conversations.’
He has worked with different non-profits, schools, colleges among other different institutions in various capacities, but mainly in the environmental sustainability domain.
Bhalla was among the delegates who attended the recently concluded Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) that took place in Kigali.
The New Times’ Bertrand Byishimo had a conversation with him about environmental protection, his experience at CHOGM, and the world’s environmental sustainability stand at large.
You participated in CHOGM Kigali 2022. What was your experience like?
At the start, we had a lot of meaningful conversations in our meetings with over 300 youths. We had plenary sessions which were more educational on topics such as sustainability on climate change and what can be done.
We also talked about how we can build partnerships, and meaningful ways to collaborate.
But apart from that, we also had breakout rooms where we discussed a range of things like healthcare and youth empowerment, the impact of covid-19 on the economy and with the environment; we talked about renewable energy, marine biodiversity.
What caught your attention most?
It's interesting to see how different countries within the Commonwealth are dealing with the same problem differently and, you know, taking insight as to how and what can be done.
In India, when we had the second wave of Covid-19, at that time, there were statistics which came out that our air quality in the second lockdown had improved by 79 percent. So, that goes to show that when people are indoors, there are no cars, buses, trains, planes, or ships moving, which is very beneficial for the environment.
But at the same time, it's unrealistic for us to say that we will always stay indoors. We won't go out and about. So we were discussing how electric vehicles are a necessary solution. To overcome this problem of vehicular emissions contributing to pollution, for example in France, they're making it a mandate for each and every patrol pump and every gas station, to have an electric vehicle charging station.
In India, we are also adopting that. And you know, we were having this conversation of how more electric cars would contribute to decreasing gaseous emissions. With these kinds of solar and electric solutions, people can make money out of it. So it's a win-win situation.
There is a big debate as to whether plastics should be banned or recycled? Some say the ban is a threat to innovation. What’s your take on this?
When there is a policy to innovate or recycle and collect plastics, and that is being floated by citizens, the government will turn around and say, listen, we are doing our bid for the environment. But you know the policies which are in place aren't being followed.
So, I'm very impressed by the plastic ban idea as long as it is followed just as instructed.
Instead of following the ‘blame game’ of the government saying we are waiting for the people, and the people saying they're waiting for the government, and in the process, nothing happens, young people should come in- because they are uniquely positioned to affect the decisions which are being made right now, 20 years from now.
We have to instruct a plastic ban because we will be the ones affected in the next 20 or 40 years to come. That is why we should have a say in the decision making process, and it's us young people who are responsible for making individual actions.
It's obvious much more plastic is being wasted and is ending up in our ocean than is being recycled, so the amount in the ocean is devastating and that means it will also go through the food chain, get eaten by fish and then by people in turn.
You are advocating for the use of electric vehicles, but there are countries making money off selling oil? Do you think you can convince them?
Yes, I know and for the Middle East, oil is one of their bigger products that they sell to the world. But they should learn from the Western countries which are heavily investing in renewable energy.
They have to put eggs in different baskets, like sell petrol and also add some electric energy initiatives.
In Delhi, we have some taxi companies which have electric taxis only. That means, whatever happens, a change is coming and if we are not ready to embrace it, we’ll find ourselves overwhelmed by the situation. Private companies want to make money, but we should also ask ourselves, how should we make sustainability profitable?
So we do it by investing in all forms of technology and green economy. That is the way to go to embrace the current trends and discourage deforestation and, or incentivize renewable energy.
What should world leaders consider as your recommendations?
We discussed the net zero targets and the Paris agreement, and we realised there is a loophole with the fact that there was no roadmap.
What does that show to the world? That shows by 2039 or 2049, if a country is not on track, they can simply withdraw. That's one of the biggest loopholes since you can leave and enter whenever you can.
We need to put our milestones in different rounds. For example at The 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP 26), instead of saying, by 2050, we'll have net zero, India said, by 2030, we'll have this by 2040, this and that by 2050.
So it's important we set smaller milestones, for smaller and more achievable targets, and then hold each other accountable.