Breakdown in unity leads to compromised welfare-First Lady
Thursday, June 23, 2022
Jeannette Kagame, The First Lady of Rwanda and Patricia Scotland the Commonwealth Secretary General during the Unity Club Breakfast event

Unity, reconciliation and a strong sense of identity as Rwandans run as deep as the foundation’s cement, Jeannette Kagame, The First Lady of Rwanda has said.

She was speaking at the Unity Club Breakfast event that was held on the side lines of the on-going Commonwealth Heads of Government Meetings (CHOGM), on June 23.

The event was attended by various First Ladies of the commonwealth countries, the Secretary-General of the Commonwealth, among others.

Organised by The Unity Club-Intwaramuri, the event aimed at helping delegates learn about Rwanda’s journey.

A delegate speaks during  the Unity Club Breakfast event

These are indeed difficult times for the world. Between climate change, wars and diseases, we are still on the grueling climb to the development, stability, and optimal social welfare that we all desire as Commonwealth Nations, the First Lady said.

Admittedly, progress remains tough. Political polarization, extremism, and individualism all threaten the unity of populations all over the world. As history, from the very country we are in can attest, a breakdown in unity leads to, at the very best, compromised welfare, and at the very worst, unthinkable loss, she added.

Mrs Kagame noted however that regardless of the mounting uncertainty, there are real solutions, which have proven themselves effective to counter the threat of division, regardless of how deeply-rooted the latter may seem.

"This is what we have been blessed to see our Unity Club embody. Unity Club Intwararumuri (torchbearers) remains for us, 25 years since its inception, a beacon of hope that indeed every wound can heal. It is a mirror to the values of the nation we love, which, reborn in the warmth and confidence of harmony, will never allow perceived difference to hurt its citizens, ever again,” she said.

Scotland commended Mrs. Kagame for being a good leader and depicting the true image of humanity.

"I want to thank you for showing us and teaching us what true humanity, forgiveness and true love looks like. You are truly the First Lady of Rwanda,” she said.

Jeannette Kagame, The First Lady of Rwanda speaks at the Unity Club Breakfast event on the side lines of the on-going Commonwealth Heads of Government Meetings (CHOGM), on June 23. Courtesy

She called on other countries to learn from Rwanda in terms of unity and reconciliation, noting that it's a miracle to see how perpetrators and victims work together.

"I think Rwanda is a total miracle, but Rwanda is a miracle because Rwandese have chosen to be Rwandese, not Hutu or Tutsi or anything else,” she added.

Unity Club (Intwararumuri or Torch Bearers) was founded in 1996 by First Lady Jeannette Kagame, as a way to bring together members of cabinet and their spouses to promote cohesion among themselves and work together to enhance unity and peace while contributing to the socio-economic development of the country.

Oda Gasinzigwa, the second Vice president of UC commended Mrs. Kagame for being a strategic thinker, innovator, as well as an implementer.

"Most leaders are good at strategizing and putting the mechanisms on the table and paper, as well as coming up with a lot of ideas and innovations but we are not implementers like her and that is something I’ve learned from her among others,” she said.

Delegates at  the Unity Club Breakfast event in Kigali on June 23