Huye resignations timely

Editor, Allow me to comment of the recent high profile resignations of the Mayor of Huye district and his deputy.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Allow me to comment of the recent high profile resignations of the Mayor of Huye district and his deputy.

The districts’ top leadership had failed to deliver and their resignations were a long time coming.

There is joke doing rounds in Butare town and it goes: Someone who has been out of the Country for over 15 years would get lost in Kigali, she/he would never recognize Muhanga, Ruhango and Nyanza but she/he would never fail to recognize Huye.

Moral of the joke: Little has changed in this ‘theoretical’ second city of Rwanda.

Huye needs business oriented leaders who will market it properly. With a university population of over 10000 students and academic staff and different  agricultural and technological research institutions, Huye should be a model of development in the country.

The search for replacements is on and the people are watching. In unison they chant "WE NEED CHANGE.”
