Army rugby side pulls out of league

The Rwanda Rugby Federation was recently taken aback by Tiger Fort RFC’s (Battalion 11) decision to pull out of this year’s national league.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Alexis Kamanzi.

The Rwanda Rugby Federation was recently taken aback by Tiger Fort RFC’s (Battalion 11) decision to pull out of this year’s national league.

The team that came second last year, albeit after a string of walk-overs, threw in the towel claiming that many of its players were still deployed in various missions and could thus not raise a team.

"…majority of our players were deployed in Congo, and have not yet come back,” Lt. Egide Kirenga, the team’s vice president said.

In a letter written to the federation, a copy of which Times Sport saw, the army side expressed its sadness on the decision but pledged to continue supporting the sport in schools and to return to the league next year.

"We conclude by wishing you a great championship full of spirit, strength, team work and love that are the sport’s land mark,” the letter written in Kinyarwanda read.

"This message is very saddening!” Alex Araire, Rugby federation First vice president, said of the letter.

"I feel bad as well about this situation!” said Federation boss Alexis Kamanzi, who is currently out of the country. He promised to have a conference call soon to discuss the way forward with the committee.
