Enhance social benefits for informal sector

Editor, The Social Security Fund recently held a workshop to sensitise employers on workers’ rights to social benefits.  The Fund noted that the informal sector was the most vulnerable as they were least the covered. 

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


The Social Security Fund recently held a workshop to sensitise employers on workers’ rights to social benefits.  The Fund noted that the informal sector was the most vulnerable as they were least the covered. 

It is estimated that less than seven percent of contributions come from the informal sector. This is a deplorably low number, especially considering the crucial role this sector plays (or should play) in our economy.

With the many young graduates being churned out of institutions of higher learning each year, job creation or joining the informal sector may not be appealing unless they are convinced that the structures can support them. 

More efforts must therefore be directed towards ensuring that the benefits of joining the informal sector are equal to or even outweigh those of formal employment.
