Man arrested for forgery, impersonation

EASTERN PROVINCE NGOMA — Police in Kibungo, Ngoma District are holding a man on allegations of forgery and impersonation.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


NGOMA — Police in Kibungo, Ngoma District are holding a man on allegations of forgery and impersonation.

Evaliste Niyizigama, 38, a resident of Kibungo Sector was arrested last Friday after it emerged that he used fake documents to withdraw Rwf600, 000 from Bank Populaire - meant to benefit poor  residents of Rutovu village in the same sector.

It is also said that Niyizigama has been claiming that he is the in charge of the government poverty eradication programme of Ubudehe at the district, a post that is non-existent.

His arrest came a week after he was released on bail by Ngoma Higher Instance Court on charges of breach of contract and obtaining money through false pretence.

Sources say he acquired 41 cows from one Maj. Mupende Kalisa but never paid him Rwf.9,635,000  after selling the cows.Each cow according to police sources was valued at Rwf.235,000.

However, in an interview with The New Times, Niyizigama denied all the allegations levelled against him, insisting that he withdrew Rwf.600,000 through proper channels.

"I withdrew the money after being authorised by a four-man committee at the village level and the sector executive secretary as is the norm. I’m ready to prove it before the courts of law,” he said.

On his previous arrest, he claimed that Maj. Mupende owed him Rwf.8,290,000. "He gave me 41 cows so that I could sell them and recover the debt after which I would  give him the balance,” Niyizigama said.

He further added, "After selling the cows he started demanding the whole amount which I refused to give him. I only owe him Rwf.1,345,000 after deducting the money he owes me.”
